Date around London (II) [Susanna]

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I jump off of Sherlock's lap and grab his arms as his eyes go wide, "Susanna-!" I grin and pull him up off his chair and to his feet, despite him digging his heels into the rug and leaning back. John looks mildly in awe and chuckles, pressing two fingers against his temple.

"Must I remind you, Sherlock, that I have six brothers?" I tease. Sherlock gives me a look and I brush it off, "Come on. We'll take my bike today. I brought an extra helmet." This perks him up considerably, and one guess as to why. He immediately heads for the coat hooks and grabs his things.

"Very well then. We're going out." I giggle, shaking my head in amusement. John chuckles.

"Have fun, you two!"

"Always!" Sherlock and I respond in unison. We both blush but carry on, racing downstairs and outside. I grab the extra helmet and put it in Sherlock's hands. Then I put mine on and hop in front.

"I'll let you drive later." I assure and he shoves the helmet on, getting on behind me and wrapping his arms tightly around my hips.

"Alright then, where to, love?" His voice is muffled by the helmet. I laugh.

"You'll see, or rather, you'll deduce it soon enough." I kick off and enter traffic.

After a few minutes of throwing Sherlock off, I head towards the Science Museum. I'm kind of hoping for the best. Sherlock and I are both scientists so visiting the museum will hopefully be a good start to our day out.

About a minute from the museum he speaks up, "Science Museum."

"Yep!" He squeezes me tighter and I smile. I pull off to the parking area and we head inside, arms looped together.


I don't believe that I have ever had such a fun visit here! I giggle to myself as Sherlock and I exit the museum. The whole time we were engaged with each other as much as we were the exhibits. Sherlock had a blast just talking my ears off about the science and technology, which boosted his confidence. I enjoyed just listening to him and interacting with the exhibits, although we discussed many things ranging from blood spatter patterns to the recent weather. By the end of it all, Sherlock and I were both smiling and pumped up for the rest of tbe day's events.

As we approach my bike I chuckle, "I'll let you drive us to the next destination, Sherlock. Where do you want to go for our day out?"

"I have an idea." He replies as we put on our helmets.


"It will be a surprise, Love."

"Alright then, Darling." I chuckle and get on behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso. He starts the bike and pulls away from the museum. As he drives, I rest my head against his shoulders and smile to myself.

Sherlock takes some freaky route, which requires me to tighten my grip and press against him, "Sherlock Holmes! You're doing this on purpose!!"

"An excellent deduction, Lover mine!" He replies with a smile in his voice. I roll my eyes and hold on.

I've lost track of time, having closed my eyes, by the time Sherlock starts to slow down and finally comes to a halt. I open my eyes, "Richmond Park?"

"You took us to the Science Museum because I am a scientist. I brought you here because you are a biologist and a photographer." We dismount the bike.

"I suppose then that you're wanting me to demonstrate my skills as a photographer?" The tips of his ears go red but he manages a gentle smirk.

"Of course, love. You never know when those skills may come in handy on a case." I gape.

"I knew it!" I exclaim, "You do want me to help on cases, Sherlock!"

"Help, not take one on alone, Susanna. Especially one from Mycroft." I shake my head and grin, digging through my purse and producing my purple Sony Bloggie Duo Camera.

"Alright. Shall we then, darling?"

"Of course." I turn on the camera and we enter the park. This time we don't link arms because I'm snapping pictures, but Sherlock keeps his right arm around my back. After getting a few warm up photos, I spin and face Sherlock.


Click!! Click!!

I giggle, having managed to take a few good close ups of the detective on a canvas of bright green trees and summer sunshine, "You said you wanted me to take pictures. So I'm taking pictures of you, handsome boyfriend of mine." This garners a charming smile from him and I strike again, capturing the moment.

"That was a technique wasn't it?"

"It was," I remark with a chuckle, aiming the lens at a fluttering butterfly, "But I meant it, Darling." He leans down and presses a deep kiss to my lips, propping up my chin with one hand. I lower the camera and don't even notice that it's suddenly missing until I hear a clicking noise. I freeze as it registers and Sherlock wraps one arm around my hips as he pulls back. In his free hand? My camera.

He laughs, "I don't believe you've taken a photograph of us together." I jump to reclaim the camera but he lifts it over his own head. I pout.

"That's not fair, Sherlock!!" I protest, hands on my hips, not going to jump like a child to try and reach it. He smirks and I sigh in defeat.

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