The Parents' Visit

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~September, two weeks later~

John sighed, relaxed and content with the world at the moment. Rosie was out with Molly and Missus Hudson for a while, and Sherlock had gone to Susanna's. The flat was blessedly silent, for the past month and a half had been hectic, emotional and demanding. So the doctor busied himself with his blog, sipping tea and enjoying the peaceful evening in 221B.

He chuckled, thinking on his best friend and Susanna. They'd climbed another rung of the relationship ladder when Sherlock got Susanna her new kitten; Ziva. Since then, Sherlock had been experimenting with their romance and Susanna had begun to start doing more little things for or with Sherlock. Like home cooked meals other than sandwiches, or going with him to the grocery store. John would dare to say that his inherently thin, gangly flatmate was starting to show signs of relationship weight. Not much, of course, but he was looking much healthier and the doctor could tell.

He heard the door downstairs open and shut before two voices floated up to the living room. They sounded familiar, warm, and somewhat excited. He guessed clients, but they were rarely excited. Yet when Mister and Missus Holmes entered the flat, he almost dropped his computer, "Oh-!"

"Hello, John! How are you?" She greeted. John regained his composure and stood up, shaking hands with them both.

"I'm doing alright, thank you. How are you? Does Sherlock know you're here?"

"No, we were thinking of surprising him, you see. We had a nice flight though and Mycroft was typical. Is Sherlock not home?" Mister Holmes asked.

"Oh, no, he's gone out. It's Friday evening and he and Susanna normally spend it together. They're over at her place, I believe."

"Are they..?" John shook his head intensely.

"No, no, they just like to go to her place and sometimes they go out for dinner. But I can text him and let him know if you'd like?"

"Of course, that would be nice." John nodded and took out his mobile.

Sherlock! -JW

A few minutes later he got a response.

What, John? Is there a case I'm needed for? Probably so, since we've been seeing an increase in criminal activity. -SH

No, moron! Your parents are here in the flat. They wanted to surprise you and I'm sure they want to meet Susanna. -JW

A few more minutes passed before another message came in.

Of course they do. It's not like I've had many girlfriends to show off to my parents. -SH

Sherlock, they're here waiting to see you and Susanna. -JW

"Is he being stubborn?"

"He's probably deciding what to do since you wanted to surprise him." The phone alert went off again.

Susanna is willing to meet them over dinner. I have tried to discourage her but she's obstinate. Have my parents meet us at the Golden Sparrow Restaurant in one hour. -SH

John exhaled, "He said that they will meet you for dinner at the Golden Sparrow Restaurant in one hour."

"Oh, excellent! We've been eager to meet this Susanna for five months! Sherlock hasn't told us much, though, so I suppose we'll be surprised," Missus Holmes chirped, "Is she nice, John?"

"Oh, she's wonderful, Missus Holmes. She's the only person I've met who can get Sherlock to eat at least one susbstantial meal every day."

"I cannot wait to see them together! Oh, how is Rosie?" And so for about thirty minutes he entertained Sherlock's parents before they left to meet their son's new girlfriend.

Twenty minutes later, Mister and Missus Holmes were freshened up and eager to see Sherlock and Susanna. They walked into the fancy restaurant and took a seat in the lounge to await the couple. They weren't disappointed. Five minutes later Missus Holmes flew off of the bench and gasped, "Mark, look! It's them!"

In Sherlock walked with Susanna on his arm. She had dressed in a simple yet elegant satin dress of deep blue and had pointed black heels. Her hair was in a neat french bun. Sherlock was always dressed in his suit, so he hadn't needed to change at all. But he wore the lightest of smiles in his eyes and it said more than anything else.

"Hello, Sherlock!!" Missus Holmes greeted, pulling her son in for a hug. Sherlock returned it lightly, and shook hands with his father.

"Hello, Mum, Dad. This is Susanna Markwardt, my girlfriend. Susanna, my parents."

"Hello, Mister and Missus Holmes." She extended her hand and was immediately enveloped in a hug.

"We've been very excited to meet you, dear!" Susanna chuckled and returned the hug.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." She greeted and the group was led to a table. Susanna sat in between Sherlock and Missus Holmes, facing Mister Holmes.

"So, where are you from, dear?"

"Central Florida."

And the parental interview began. Sherlock stayed silent most of the time, occasionally answering questions or commenting but generally sitting stoically with Susanna's hand in his.

Around the time their main dishes had been cleared, Susanna excused herself to use the loo and left a small kiss on Sherlock's cheek. This gave Missus Holmes a hard task of containing herself, "Ooh, Sherlock, I like her!"

"Of course you do," He replied almost coolly, "I like her too."

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