The (Stressful) Mall Visit [I]

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December 18

Rosie squealed with excitement and tugged on Susanna's gloved hand as they entered the Westfield Shopping Mall and saw the huge Christmas Tree, oversized ornaments and decor everywhere. John and Sherlock followed behind, the former with his eyes carefully trained on the young girl and the latter's eyes flicking between Rosie and the rest of the mall visitors.

They had come because Rosie had wanted to see Santa Claus and Sherlock, despite his best efforts, was not able to convince John to dress up and play the part instead. Susanna had also said she wanted to do a bit of shopping. Thus, Sherlock had had little say in the decision to come.

The first stop was, of course, Santa's Pavilion. Once Rosie was satisfied they wove around the mall's other shops. At this point John took Rosie's hand and the couple followed behind. Susanna looped her arm through Sherlock's and he clicked, "I don't see why John couldn't have just dressed up."

"Well, why didn't you?"

"I'd make a terrible Santa." Susanna laughed. John and Rosie split off to view a row of Christmas Displays and Susanna, finding a LUSH store, decided to pop in and look around. Sherlock waited outside and took out his phone, scrolling through his inbox. About ten minutes later she exited the store with a small bag of products and they continued on.

Sherlock kept track of Susanna's preference of stores and subsequent products as they slowly made their way through the mall. She often just window-shopped or took a quick look but some things she couldn't seem to resist, and Sherlock took note.

She had combined all her purchases into the largest bag as Sherlock carefully steered her towards the Westfield's Fraser Hart Store. Possibly his greatest motivation for coming along- to assess her ring preference. He was curious as to whether it aligned with or deviated from her overall jewelry preferences.

John was aware, and so were Mycroft and Susanna's parents, of his intentions. He wasn't completely decided but the many discussions he and Susanna had had about the topic, several hours spent contemplating in his mind palace, and the pep talks he had been receiving from John, had led him to reconsider marriage.

He also knew that soon if their courtship did not align with Susanna's ultimate goal of marriage, Susanna would leave. She knew what she wanted and had her priorities sorted. He did not want to let her go after all the positive changes she had brought into his life. He loved her- and she was one of only two people in the world. John Watson was the other. And Sherlock knew the chance of him finding another woman that he might remotely fancy was extremely improbable.

He watched Susanna look at the display of rings and analyzed her apparent tastes. Silver or Platinum, perhaps white gold or a titanium alloy. She didn't seem to be attracted to round or oval cut diamonds, or diamonds that were outrageously big. Prefers Cushion or Princess Cut Diamonds. Conservatively sized and solitaire. Probably correlated to her work- bulky jewelry is impractical and hankering-

His phone buzzed and so did Susanna's. He whipped his out and froze at the group text from John.

I've lost Rosie and can't find her! - JW

Susanna paled after reading the text on her phone and flew out of the store. Sherlock followed suit, mind racing.

Where were you the last time you saw her? -SM

John texted the location and they hurried, keeping their eyes peeled and their ears tuned for Rosie. They finally made it to the candy shop and found a distraught John about to tear apart at the seams, "John!" Sherlock called out as the two came to a halt.

"You didn't see her on your way here?"

"We looked and didn't see her. John, how long?" Susanna questioned.

"Ten minutes."

"Was she holding your hand or not?" Sherlock asked.

"I was holding onto her. She was right beside me one second and gone the next." John answered.

"Have you asked anyone to see if they saw her?"

"Yes but no one said that they did."

"Were there any displays she was attracted to? Any toys or such that she was wanting to look at?" Susanna asked, "She might have wandered off to look."

"There were a couple displays that caught her eye but she literally dragged me in here for a sweetie. Her attention was on candy." John replied.

Sherlock got out his phone and texted Mycroft to quietly lock down the Westfield and then Lestrade. If someone had taken the little girl she could not have gotten too terribly far. He pulled up a mental map of the mall and visualized every possible route a kidnapper might use.

"Where are you going? Susanna!" He opened his eyes and saw Susanna leaving the store. She turned around

"If she wandered off then she might come back looking for you. Stay here in case she does, and remain calm. I will search for her."

"I've texted Mycroft and Lestrade. The mall is on lockdown and the Yard is on alert," Sherlock added. He would have gone with Susanna but knew his best friend might lose it if he wasn't there to keep him calm, so he let Susanna go on, "John, was there anyone in the area who-"

"Not that I can remember, Sherlock!" John snapped. Sherlock frowned and the army doctor exhaled.

Susanna threaded through the mass of mall shoppers quickly and gracefully, popping into shops and calling for Rosie. Or ducking behind displays for a peek. Minutes went by and she decided to look in the first toy store, hoping for at least a clue.

She stepped in and sighed with relief to find Rosie watching a toy train set, nose pressed against the glass, "Rosie!" The girl turned.


Thank you for reading!

Sherlock: Lover Mine [Book II]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang