Chapter 12 - The Hijack

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Max took a deep breath, letting the cool morning air of spring fill his lungs. He leaned against the SUV, trying to convince himself this was a good idea for the hundredth time.

"Why don't you just call her?" Leo asked from inside the car. "It's been 20 minutes already."

"Just give it some time. We're early anyway...I think," he responded.

"Bro, what if she left already? Fucking call her."

Max was about to tell him to back off, when the front door to her apartment building swung open. He stilled as he saw Emma gracefully walk out with a suitcase behind her. Okay, so he hadn't exactly thought this part through, but now would be a good time to get her attention.

"Em," he called her.

She turned to look at him with a completely confused expression on her face. "Max. What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like? I'm taking you to the airport," he said as if it was the most obvious explanation in the world. He leaned off the car to approach her and quickly kissed her on the forehead. "Allow me," he said taking her suitcase and popping open the trunk of the SUV.

"Uhm...why are you taking me to the airport? I thought you were going to Marbella."

"Change of plans," he shrugged. He hauled her suitcase in the car and closed the trunk. Before she could say anything further, he opened up the passenger door at the front of the car and motioned for her to get in.

She looked at him hesitantly and didn't move from her place. "Are you stalking me?"

"Nonsense. C'mon, sweetheart. You got a plane to catch," he said grabbing her hand and nudging her towards the car seat. "That's Leo, by the way," he said as she sat down and he buckled her in.

She peered over at him in the driver's seat, clearly not understanding what was going on. "Um, hi," she said in total confusion.

"Hey, Emma. Nice to finally meet you," Leo said with an amused expression.

Emma turned back to Max who was still lingering beside her at the door. For some stupid reason, he wanted to see her reaction towards Leo. Most girls swooned at his good looks, but she didn't seem to care. That only made him smile more at her.

"Are you going to explain what's going on, Max?" she asked him.

"In a minute, sweetheart," he said before closing her door and getting in the backseat.

"Just so you know, I got coerced into doing this. Apparently, Max thinks I still owe him a ride to the airport from two years ago," Leo explained to Emma as he drove off.

"Bro, you made me wake up at five in the morning that time. And in case you've forgotten, I helped you out with Mia that day so I don't want to hear about it."

"Still, do you know how hard it was to leave her sleeping in bed this morning? She was wearing one of those baby dolls that drives me crazy," he said looking lost in a daydream.

"God, Leo you're so whipped sometimes. She warms your damn bed every night so get over it."

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but can someone explain what this has to do with taking me to the airport?" Emma suddenly piped in.

"It's not just you. I'm taking both of you to the airport," Leo said.

"Both? Where are you going?" Emma asked, turning back to look at Max.

"We...are going to New York," he answered grinning.

"What? Back the truck up. No way. Absolutely not. You are not going to New York, Max," she said crossing her arms.

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