Chapter 13 - Empire State of Mind

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Emma got into the New York City cab and slammed the door hard behind her. So far this trip was nothing like she had planned. Max really had some nerve following her here. To make things worse, he kept on changing everything on her.

First, he had insisted on switching tickets with her so she could sit in first class instead of him. She had been two seconds away from making a big scene on the airplane but knew she would get kicked off if she did. Then he had somehow managed to get her a free upgrade on the second flight which she couldn't refuse since he hadn't paid for it. Then he thought it would be cute to fill out her customs form for her and pretend they were married to skip the immigration line. She wasn't able to retaliate because of the security there and was forced to go through with the whole charade. She just hoped she hadn't committed a serious felony with U.S. National Security for harboring Illegal Aliens into the country.

Now his latest big idea was to take a taxi into the city that would end up costing at least $60 dollars. It was such a waste of money considering she could take the Air Train and subway for $7.50 total.

"You're heading to your brother's flat, right?" Max's smooth voice pierced through her irritable thoughts.

"No, I actually need to stop by Alex's office to grab the keys," she grumbled.

"Okay, we can drop off our stuff at the hotel first."

"I'm not staying with you, Max. You can go to the hotel and I'll just keep on going with the cab."

"I don't think so, sweetheart."

"Max! Can you please let me do things my way? You're not supposed to be here, remember?"

"Look, I know you're not staying with me. I just want to make sure you arrive safely. Plus, are you really going to carry that thing up five flights of stairs by yourself?"

God, why did he have to be right about everything? "Fine. But afterwards, we go on our separate ways."

"Whatever you say, Em."

Emma quickly exited the taxi once they arrived to Alex's workplace. She thought Max would have stayed in the car, but of course he got out with her. She rolled her eyes for at least the tenth time that day and made her way to the office receptionist and asked for her brother.

To be honest, she was pretty excited to see him but was a tad nervous as well. What would he think of her showing up with Max? Certainly he wouldn't approve. Then again, he and Roy had never really hit it off.

"Em, you made it!" Alex yelled from across the office. He was always one to make his presence known.

She just laughed and took off towards him in a bundle of smiles. He quickly picked her up in a huge bear hug and squeezed her tightly. For some reason, he smelled different to her and she lightly pushed him away and scrunched her nose.

"What?" he asked laughing.

"I guess some things never change," she laughed back as she picked up the clear scent of a female on him. "Seriously, you're hooking up with girls even in the office?"

"It's the best place to do it, Em."

"Too much information, I don't want to know," she said.

"Lighten up. You asked me. Just because you've been stuck on the same guy for the past two years doesn't mean the rest of us can't have fun," he said playfully punching her arm.

"Yeah, well I think you have too much fun."

 Alex suddenly looked behind her curiously. "Is he with you?"

"Oh, you can just ignore him."

"Hey, I'm Alex," he said extending his hand to Max.

"Did you not hear what I said?" Emma asked confused.

"Hi mate, nice to meet you. I'm Max. Emma and I go to school together."

"Really?" he said looking at Emma with an amused face.

"Relax. We were just on the same flight coming here," Emma said trying to play it down before he got any ideas.

"That's cool. So you're here Spring Breaking as well?"

"Yeah. Thought it would be nice to check out the scene and all," Max said.

"This actually works out well. You see, I just got a killer project and I'm gonna be completely slammed for the next few days. Maybe you guys can hang out some more during the week? Sorry Em, I'm just not gonna be all that available."

"Are you serious, Alex? This coming from the guy who was just hooking up with some girl in the middle of the work day?"

"Well yeah. How else am I gonna blow off some steam?"

Emma just made some disgruntled noise at that. "Don't worry Alex. I can take care of her," Max piped in.

"How convenient for everybody," Emma said sarcastically.

"Why are you so grumpy all of a sudden? I hope the MBA isn't doing this to you. You need to chill out, sis."

"Maybe you also need to blow off some steam, Em. I can certainly help you out with that," Max said grinning.

Emma gasped and her cheeks immediately turned red. He did not just say that in front of Alex.

"Doesn't seem like a bad idea to me, but I'll leave the details up to you. Just don't use my bed, alright? Those sheets are sacred."

"Are you both crazy? That is not gonna happen under any circumstance. And I'm not going anywhere near your sheets. Gross."

"Suit yourself. Just saying it wouldn't hurt. Listen, I gotta get back to work, so here are the keys," Alex said handing them over to Emma. "You two have fun, alright?" He clasped Max on the shoulder. "Nice meeting you, bro."

Emma huffed and without a glance in Max's direction, started walking back outside.

"For the record, your brother is awesome," Max said behind her.

"I'm still with Roy, Max. Don't forget that," she said getting back into the cab.

"How could I forget? It's written all of your face. You don't need to remind me," he answered coldly.

They didn't exchange another word until they were at Alex's apartment. As promised, Max brought up her suitcase for her and deposited it in the living room.

"Are you going to be okay here?" Max asked breaking the silence. His question sounded distant, but he still studied the small studio apartment looking concerned.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Where will you be sleeping?"

"Alex has an air mattress. I just need to set it up."

Max nodded slightly and headed for the door. He stopped a moment before turning the knob and opening the door. "Your name is on the hotel reservation in case you change your mind...and your attitude," he said as soon as he left.

The door clicked shut and she sagged against the kitchen counter. Had she been that much of a bitch to him?

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