Chapter 11

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I laughed nervously. "Dad! I-I-I can explain!"

Ross crossed his arms. "No you can't."

I stomped on his foot, getting a squeak out of him. "Not helping!" I whispered.

Dad was shaking all over. He opened his mouth, but closed it again. "Go to sleep," he said, walking back into his room.

Ross gave my hand a tight squeeze before closing the door of his own room.

That night I sat on my bed, holding on to the hoodie Ross gave me. What is going to happen tomorrow? What if they send Ross away? And worse...Is it my fault?


The next morning I sat down on the couch. Dad had called for a meeting. As soon as everyone sat down, dad began.

"Lynches, you are lucky I accepted you into this house. You should be thanking me. But instead, you do my daughter."

I winced at 'do'.

Dad continued. "I thought I could trust you. Believe you. But I realize that the trust has gone too far. From now on, Beatrice is not to be talked with, touched, or even looked at. She is not a toy. She is a young girl. Not to be played with!"

Throughout his speech, he made eye contact with Ross. "Understand?" he asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Good. Go."

That night I played with my hair. The whole day everyone looked down when they saw me. Rydel gave me an apologetic look when she passed by me in the hallway.

Thump thump thump. I heard footsteps walking up to me. "Hey Ross. You shouldn't be here," I said without looking up.

"I know," Ross said, climbing under the covers. "I wanted to see you though."

Ross placed a gentle hand under my chin and kissed me. "Ready?"


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