Chapter 23 - I Went All 'Romeo' On 'Juliet'

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: JonathanLuu

We could pack up and leave our things behind

No fact or fiction or storyline

'Cause I need you more than just for tonight

Chapter 23 – I Went All ‘Romeo’ On ‘Juliet’


“I’m doing everything I can, Leon,” Moira said for the third time. “Megan’s my niece. I’m worried for her and… what she’s capable of but all we can do now is—“

“Then do better!” My voice went up a notch. “I won’t leave Sarah until Megan’s back in some mental asylum where she’s supposed to be. You know what that means Moira? No recording contract. No movie shoot. No world tour. No career for me. For us. So fix this up. Then we’ll talk.”

I hung up before she could reason out. I didn’t want to hear speculations. I wanted results. Sarah was starting to be suspicious because I kept tailing her everywhere she went for the last few days. So far, nothing seemed to be off. But just this morning, someone left a package addressed to her. A battered dead kitten was inside the box along with a note.

You’ll be like this soon.

Of course Sarah was terrified. She was convinced she did something really horrible before the accident; something she couldn’t remember but have to pay for. Emma and Freddy didn’t take it too well either. Who would?

“How’s she?” I said, taking a seat behind the counter while Freddy took out the roast from the oven. “Look. I’ve called Moira. Dad’s been in touch with the private investigators. We’re doing the best we can.”

Sighing, Freddy set the meat on a cooling rack, removed his apron and slumped beside me. “She’s still in shock, Leon. You know how she loves animals. And seeing that…” He shook his head. “Emma’s with her now. Sarah needs some time alone.”

I nodded, my finger involuntary drawing circles on the wooden counter. “I’ll wait until she’s better then. I’ll find Megan and when I do, I’ll make sure she can’t hurt Sarah anymore.”

Freddy didn’t say anything for a few minutes. “Emma thinks you and Sarah need to give each other some space… For the meantime,” he breathed out.

“Space,” I repeated, nodding vacantly. “I can do that.”

“Maybe it’s best for the both of you to be away… from each other. That’s what Sarah’s mom thinks,” he reluctantly added, giving me a meaningful look. “I’m thinking the same thing.”

Freddy was right. Megan targeted Sarah because of me. Being here could put her in more danger. But then I’d never thought of leaving her. Ever. Now, I didn’t know what’s right or wrong anymore. I’d worked my butt off to gain back her trust, her attention, her love. Why should I have to choose? No fair.

It’d been three days that I hadn’t talked to Sarah. Gave me more time to think things over. A lot. I couldn’t even go anywhere near their house now that Freddy straightforwardly told me to back off.

I was in the brink of losing my mind. Didn’t she want to see me anymore? It was either that or Emma was intentionally barring my calls to make sure Sarah couldn’t talk to me. It was like hell waiting for a call that never came. The investigators couldn’t find any trace of Megan either. They weren’t worth paying big bucks at all. I couldn’t wait to be ungrounded. Once I get my car back, I’d be able to do my own search and investigation. Psycho Megan would be caught and everything should be back to normal. Easier said than done.

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