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I ask Lola to tend the bar while I go out for a smoke. Go out for a smoke, hah. More like tell that asshole to stop touching Monica's ass like that. She's laughing, letting him manhandle her and with each step I begin to feel a subtle fire start to burn inside me. Yeah, it's not so fucking subtle anymore as he plants a kiss on her voluptuous red lips. 

Get your fucking grimy mouth off of her, you fucking prick.

I'm going to fucking end you, bro. Because you know that's what this Jersey Shore reject calls his friends, bro. I do a mental eye roll as I look him over. From his fuckboy coif, to his fake overly blown-up muscles, this guy reeks of overcompensation due to the size of his small dick.

Get ready, bro. I'm about to show you what a real fucking man looks like. Because surprise, surprise it's not your fucking pathetic, fake, overly-tanned ass. Fucking shockerrrr.

I tap on his shoulder, standing a good three inches or so taller than him. My ego is stroking the fuck out of itself because this asshole has to look up. That's right you pigheaded piece of shit, look up to your superior. I'm about to have you bowing down like a little bitch.

"Can I help you, bro?" The blonde idiot asks and I want to punch him in his dumb brown-eyed face. 

"Sean?" Monica looks up at me with shocked eyes.

"You know this guy, babe?" Dumb-blonde-fuck says. Babe. Gag me with a fucking spoon. 

"Uh yeah, this is my neighbor. Sean is, uh... he's..."

And I don't let her finish that statement because I'm an asshole and I'm going to finish that one for her. "I'm her neighbor, Sean. The neighbor that fucks her, regularly. Sean, the man who made her squirt for the very first time, which is a capability of which I'm one-hundred percent sure you don't possess.  Also, I'm the guy that made her come," I bring my hand up to count and realize I need both. "Let's see, there was that one night... I believe it was twice that night and then when I had my mouth on her and she orgasmed so hard she soaked my entire kitchen floor. And then..."

"Jesus, Sean! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I ignore the angry looking juice-head and direct my words to Monica. "A lot of things, actually. Right now though, I'm just wondering what you're doing with this prick, who most definitely has a needle dick, Monica. I mean, look at him, he's a fucking joke." I gesture to him like he's an inanimate object. That's essentially what this useless mass of muscle is anyway.

Dumb-blonde-fuck doesn't seem to like what I just said and I know this because he just shoved me backwards. Also, he threw a punch at me, that I just barely dodged, while telling me to go fuck myself in the process. He's an angry wall of muscles but it doesn't mater because he's too slow.

Game on, asshole.  

I smirk at him because if there was ever a man to know how to thoroughly beat down another person, it was me. You should never fuck with someone who has grown up in a household of physical abuse. There's a strong likelihood that that person knows the art of pain and has learned how to master it to perfection.

I let my inner demons out. All of them. Each and every horrid memory, every trauma, every demon inside of me. These are the only times when I can stare them dead in the face, let them writhe and burn harmoniously inside of me. The only time I can welcome them. Not only that, but beckon them with a sinister smile as I do so. 

I close my eyes and visualize all of the terrible shit that has been my life up until this point. I roll my head and shoulders at the same time, probably looking like someone who has just been possessed. Possession. It's exactly what just fucking happened. I let all the demons in and now it's time to burn like a raging fire right alongside them. 

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