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It's been a full five weeks and things between Monica and I are great, astonishingly. Besides the fact that doing boyfriend-type things is still completely foreign to me, I think I've been doing a pretty decent job. We've gone out to dinner, been shopping, even taken a few walks through Quincy market. It's odd having someone to do things with, share things with.

Speaking of taking her out to dinner, that had become completely fucking awkward one of the times we'd gone out together. Our waitress had leaned over, directly in-between us, to stare into my eyes. I've never experienced something so strange in my life. She commented on the color, commented on how handsome I was and called Monica a lucky girl.

The fucking balls on that female, I swear to fucking god. Monica had handled it better than I had, she had just laughed after the waitress walked away and I just stared at Monica like she had ten fucking heads. I mean, women usually flirt or come on to me, I'm used to that but I'd never expected one to do something like that while I was with someone. But then again, I've never really been with someone long enough or relationship wise to actually notice.

Relationship... It's still seems like a foreign concept to me. But, even though that is the case, I haven't cheated, not even a little bit. Surprisingly, coming home to Monica every night squashed the desire to even do so.

Now, everyone that knew me was wondering what the fuck had happened to me. Pussy. Pussy happened to me and not just any pussy, Monica fucking Cavalieri's pussy. As much as I would like to say it was just that, it wasn't, but let's not get into that.

Monica and I were basically living with each other. She spent nearly every night in my apartment or I was in hers. I had actually been sleeping, well, somewhat. When I would wake up from my terrible night terrors Monica would comfort me until I calmed down. By comfort, she would usually get on top of me and ride me until I came.

I don't know if there is another human being on the planet quite like this one. She so selflessly gave herself to me and I have no idea why. Every day I felt like I got more and more from her. It's like every committed step I make  with her she wants to show me how appreciative she is. By appreciative, I mean I'm continually getting the fuck, fucked out of me. Literally and figuratively.

There will never be another woman in my life quite like Monica. She's the most unique woman and not just because I can stand her for more than a twenty-four hour period of time. Who am I kidding? It's usually only twelve. If that. Long enough for a night of pleasure and that's about it.

But every time Monica and I slept together it was like we were branding each other. Anyone who would ever sleep with either of us again would know they couldn't compare. The connection between the two of us was that deep. My disease, as I'd once referred to her, had implanted itself inside of my very bones. I felt like I had Monica-shaped imprint on my black, tattered soul.

Tonight, I took her to the club so I can properly introduce her to Trevor. He's my best friend, he's like a brother to me and he knew something was definitely up with me. When I'd told him that I was exclusively fucking one person, that I was in a relationship with someone, I'd thought he was going to have a heart attack.

He had thought that I was fucking with him at first and couldn't stop laughing. Then he'd looked into my dead-ass, serious eyes and realized that no, I wasn't kidding. He almost passed out, I swear. After about a million and one questions he'd said he wanted to meet her.

So, here we are...

"I'm nervous." Monica pulls on the bottom of her dress nervously, "The last time I was here you beat the shit out of Joey in front of everyone."

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ➀Where stories live. Discover now