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The more I thought about it the more sense it made. Trevor was the only person I considered my family and it's because I think somewhere in me I subconsciously knew. I knew he and I were actually brothers.

He and I were the same height. We had pretty much the exact same build. I mean hell, we even had the same fucking personality. I guess now I know I get all of that from David's side of the family. Let's not linger on that for too long though.

I had always thought his blonde hair and blue eyes came from his mother, but now I guess it was both of his parents. Now, come to think of it, we both had a similar birthmark that we'd thought was coincidental.

Nothing in life is a coincidence. My father had been screwing around with Trevor's mother on the side. No coincidence there.

He'd betrayed his best friend, cheated on his wife and just basically didn't give a flying fuck about anyone but himself. Also, not a surprise nor a coincidence. No one is a douche bag on accident. Guess that's in our DNA as well.

I wonder if he knew Trevor was his son or not. I'm assuming he didn't or he would've acted much differently around James, Trevor's father. But there were resemblances that he and I carried that I'm now wondering if they ever had James second guessing paternity.

I can't believe Trevor never told me while he was alive. I suppose he didn't want to mind fuck me even more than I already have been. That is my life though, one giant pile of fucked-up. Just so much fuckedupness it's never-ending.

Speaking of which...

I stare at the building in front of me feeling nauseous. My fathers reappearance and Trevor's letter reminded me that there was something I need to do. There was a demon I needed to face and that demon well, that particular one is my mother.

It has been nine years since I've seen her, almost ten. I blow out a huge breath and run my hand through my hair. Another wave a anxiety induced nausea rides through me.

"You sure you're up for this, babe?" Monica asks quietly from beside me.

"Yeah, this is something I have to do. It's time." I give her a swift hug and a kiss before I head into the building.

I give the lady at the front desk my name and my mother's name. It's only a moment before an older lady shows up to escort me to my mother's wing. You know, the wing where all the doors lock behind you so you can't get out.

Once we're outside a large set of doors the nurse turns to me saying, "She's having a good day today. Just be aware of some of her triggering topics."

"What the fuck is a triggering topic?"

She looks at me with disapproval. "First of all, mind your language." Whoops. "Second of all, she lost a baby, so the topic of children is off the table. I know you are her son but I doubt she'll remember that. I wouldn't mention that fact unless she does. Let her do the majority of the talking, that is, if she does any."

I nod. "Okay, I think I got it."

She gives me one last stern look before opening the door. We enter a bright, large open space. In front of us is a long stark-white corridor filled with doors. To the left is another hallway and at the end of it is what seems to be a dining hall. "This way." She veers to the right. "You'll be meeting with her in the lounge area. It's where she spends most of her time and it's where she's most relaxed."

I run one of my hands through my hair. "Okay." I shove my hands in my pockets nervously as I follow her until we hit another set of doors but these ones are open.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ➀Where stories live. Discover now