Chapter 1- The Meeting

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'What is that bloody awful smell?' Draco thought to himself as he walked into the heads dorm to be met with an odd smell he'd only witness down alleyways in the muggle world.

"Granger?" He called out, "You here?"

"Yeah!" She called back presumably from he'd room.

"What's that smell?" He asked as sat on the couch.

"What smell?"

"You don't smell it? Its some muggle thing. I recognize it from when I went down a muggle alleyway once."

"Fuck!" Hermione said from her room, unfortunately loud enough for Draco to hear.

"Granger, you okay in there?" He called as he slowly walked up the stairs to investigate.

"Fine, Malfoy. Just stay away!"

"That just proves there's something your hiding," Malfoy called from the other side of the door, "I'm coming in."

"Don't you dare!" Hermione screeched.

"Then tell me what you're doing."

"I'm not doing anything."

"Yes you are. The smoke smell is stronger over here. Its coming from your room. Now tell me what your doing or I'm coming in," Draco demanded.

"I'm not telling you and you're not coming in. I'm not dressed," Hermione lied hoping to keep him out.

"We both know that's not true and if it is, even better for me." Draco said, "I'm coming in."

He turned the handle and walked into the room right as Hermione threw a box out the window.

"What was that?" He asked her.

"Nothing, what are you talking about?" Hermione asked.

"Don't lie to me Granger," Drsco sighed.

"In not lying."

"Yes you are. What's going on?"

"Why do you care?"

"I promised Potter and Weasel I'd look after you. They said you've been off ever since you returned to Australia," Draco explained.

"Well I'm fine," Hermione huffed.

"No you're not! You just threw merlin knows what out the window to hide it from me," Draco said loudly.

"Leave me alone Malfoy!" Hermione yelled at him.

"Sorry, not till you tell me what's wrong."

"Nothings wrong!"

Draco then pushed her against the wall and leaned against her, holding her wirsts down firmly, but also gently. He brought his lips right to her ear so she could feel the move against her just barely as he spoke.

"Granger. You will tell me what that box was and why you threw it out," he whispered.

"And if I don't?"

"I have ways of making you speak," he whispered and Hermione shivered against his breath.

"Now, spill," he said brining his eyes to look at her, holding her gaze.

"I don't have to tell you anything," she said bravely.

"Yes, you do. I've told you I made a deal with potter and weasley. But also with Dumbledore and Snape, so tell me. What was that?" He asked bringing his face dangerously close to hers.

"Leave me alone," She whispered.

"Wrong answer," Draco said before placing his lips on hers. He kissed he for ten seconds before he pulled away and watched the emotions flicker across her face before she managed to resume her hard, emotionless stare.

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