Chapter 11- Starting Over

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"Malfoy wake up!" Hermione giggled as she shook him for the eighth time that morning. She still couldn't get over his hair.

"What?" He groaned sleepily.

"Wake up!" Hermione repeated.

"No," Draco groaned rolling over and pulling Hermione close to him.

"Yes," Hermione mimicked, "Its Monday. We have classes. Let's go!"

Draco shot up at this, "Wait, wait, wait, wait." He said waving his hands before lying back down and turning his head towards hers, "You want to go to classes?"

"Yes," Hermione grinned, "I'm I'm a good mold today. Let's go! Breakfast is soon."

"Alright," Draco said grinning to himself as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood, "I'll be back in a minute."

"Wait!" Hermione called before he left.

"Yeah?" Draco asked turning around.

"You got something in your head," Hermione said, laughing inside that he hasn't remembered his hair.

"I do? Where?" Draco asked.

"Y-Y-Your hair," Hermione said laughing.

Draco quirked an eyebrow but then remembered last nights events and his eyes widened, "Bloody hell. No wonder you're in a good mood. I'm going to embarrass myself in fro t of the entire school! I look like a bloody Weasley!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, tired of his rambling and walked over to him. She stood on her tiptoes and reached up to plant a quick kiss on his lips. That shut him up real quick.

"You talk to much," Hermione said before pushing him out, "I need to change. I'll meet you in the common room."

"O-Okay," Draco stuttered out still in a bit of shock she had kissed him.

"You're such a guy," Hermione laughed shutting the door.

She quickly changed into a red tank top, a long black sweater and a pair of black leggings. She grabbed her bookbag and the one essay she managed to complete before going into the common room to wait for Draco.

When she got there she realized she hasn't smoked a cigarette in almost two days and that's probably why her chest hurt. It wasn't used to not having one.

Stealthily, she crept around the common room until she found where Draco had hidden them. She took one and sat by the window, opening it before she used her wand to light the end of the cigarette.

Draco dressed quickly, not knowing what to do with his hair. Eighth years didn't have to wear robes so he pulled on a light blue shirt and a pair of muggle jeans that he had to admit, were quite comfortable.  Once he had his booknag and wand with all his essays and assignments, he threw on some shoes and exited the room.

He quietly walked down the stairs and mentally groaned when he saw Hermione sitting by the window using one if the lung killers.

"Granger," He said when he reached her.

"Malfoy!" Hermione exaimed as she visibly jumped, "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have this but they're addicting and it's not exactly safe to just comlletley stop out of the blue. I'm trying though, I promise. This is the first one I've had in fouryu eight hours and that's like a record since I normally use almost an entire.package a day. It's just I was really wanting one and my cheat hurt a bit from going so long without one that I-"

Draco leaned down and kissed her softly, using her technique she used momenta ago to shut her up. He was quite pleased when she ceased her rambling and kissed him back and he could've sworn he felt her smile.

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