Chapter 14- When Dad Walks In

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"How many floors to you have?" Hermione asked after they reached the fifth one.

Draco chuckled as the walked down a hallway. He suddenly paused and looked between two doors. A elegant black on on the left and a worn oak one on the right.

"Do you want this room," he asked motioning the black door, "Or to room with me?" He asked motioning the oak door.

"You," Hermione said immediately and when he looked down added, "I-I don't trust myself to be alone."

Draco smiled softly at her and took her hands I'm his. She looked up to him with a guilty face.

"Hey, it's okay," he reassured her, "I didn't know if you'd rather be alone or not. But being able to tell me is a good thing. It means you trust me."

"I'll always trust you," Hermione whispered looking up at him in desperation for him to understand.

Draco couldn't stop the grin from spread in across his face. He leaned down and kissed her softly before pulling away and hugging her tightly to him.

"I love you so much," he whispered into her hair.

"I love you too," Hermione whispered back.

They stayed like that in the hall for a little while. Draco holding the girl of his dreams tightly to him while she rested her arms around his waist.

After what could've been days to them but was actually ten minutes, the pulled away and held each others hands. Draco lead Hermione forward and pushed the door to his room open.

Directly across from the door was a huge four poster bed with dark green sheets that had silver trimming. The bed was placed on a three step platform, the steps curving in a half circle. The floor was made of dark oak and the alls a white and black marble as well as the stairs.

A large oak dresser matching the door was off to one side of the room along with a bookshelf. A window on the right side of the bed hosted a large window seat with a built in retractable desk.

The right side of the room had two doors. One was white with the paint starting to chip. It led to a average sized walk in closet filled with all of Draco's clothes. The other door, a matching one to the the main entrance, opened to a large bathroom. It had a tub almost the size if the one in the prefects bathroom. A black glassed shower that could fit three or four people was off to the side.

"Its gorgoues," Hermione gaped.

"My mum decorated it while I was away," Draco noticed, "Too formal in my opinion."

Hermione giggled slightly at his scowling face. She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear before turning to him.

"Blaise and Pansy will be here in a couple days," he told her, "Until then its just you and me, and mum and dad"

Hermione nodded her head, "I'll be back," she smiled slipping into the bathroom.

She locked the door before opening a window. Sitting as close to it as she could, Hermione slipped a white box out of her jeans pocket. Taking out a cigarette she quickly lighted it before feeling inhaling the smoke.

She couldn't tell Draco she had never quitted. He thought she was almost dome with them, but boy was he wrong. She had managed to pull herself down to two or three a day but he thought she had one every few days or so. It would be a long time before she was free from them.


"Morning," Draco whispered into Hermione's ear when he felt her stir slightly in his arms.

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