Chapter 10- Hair Dye

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"Granger! You in your room?" Draco called out as he and George entered the Head's dorms.

"Yeah!" Hermione called back.

"Alright. I'll be right up!" Draco said before turning to George, "Let's see how this goes."

George nodded and the two climbed the stairs and arrived outside Hermione's door.

"Wait here," Draco told George before opening the door and entering, "Hey, Granger."

"Malfoy," Hermione said, "What's up?"

"Well, someone was visiting the castle and asked to see you. Give it a go?"

"Uh... I don't know," Hermione said standing from her window seat.

"Give it a try. I think you'll be fine" Draco smiled.

"O-Okay," Hermione said slowly, "Who is it?"

"Hey Mione," George said as he stood in the doorframe.

"George?" Hermione whispered her eyes whipping to him.

"That's me," George smiled.

Hermione watched him for a moment, as if debating with herself, before she flung herself at him and hugged him tightly. George was ready for the sudden impact, having somewhat expected it, and caught her easily in his arms.

Draco smiled to himself, not letting the two see, as he watched Hermione's face light up when she hugged him.

"W-Why are you here?" Hermione asked, voice muffled from George's shirt.

"I was worried. My Honorary Twin stopped owling me and I knew nothing. I had to come see if you were okay," George said.

Hermione smiled as she slowly pulled away and looked over at Draco, "You had something to do with this didn't you?"

"Can't say I did or didn't," Draco shrugged.

Hermione smiled even more at him before sitting on the bed with both boys on either side of her.

"So what's up?" George asked.

"Not much," Hermione admitted, "I.. I wasn't owling you because I was trying to get away from everyone. My parents are dead. Bellatrix did it. I just got so overwhelmed that I just shut down and left. I was scared I'd lose you too if I kept you close. Same with Harry, Ron, and Ginny. So I backed away."

"Mione, you do realize that you can't get rid of us that easily, right?" George asked, "Its like you said that you'd do anything for me, I'd do anything for you.... Exclet clean Ron's socks."

Hermione smiled, a true smile, and laughed, "Thank you," she said, "So what's been happening with you?"

"Well not much. Kept the joke shop going strong," George said, "Lee's been helping me out with it. And I have a girlfriend now too! Angelina Johnson, from the quidditch team here."

"That's great!" Hermione said, "Oh I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks," George grinned, "I owe it all to you. Speaking if which.... I notice we never completed six."

"Ah yes," Hermione smirked, "We shall do that soon."

"What's six?" Draco asked.

"Don't you worry you pretty little head," Hermione smiled patting his head.

"Was that a compliment?" Draco asked.

"No. I was telling you your head was small."

"Ouch," Draco said.

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