Chapter 13- Reconnecting

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"Are you ready?" Draco asked as he and Hermione arrived outside the large doors leading to the Room if Requirement.

"I-I... We... Yes," Hermione said stuttering at first but gaining confidence, "Yes."

Draco smiled softly at her when she grabbed his hand and he pushed open the door.

"Finally only took you like twent-- Hermione?" Ginny asked.

Hermione squeezed Draco's hand even tighter and her body stiffened slightly. Draco closes the door and walked forward with Hermione following a little behind, still holding his hand.

"Its alright," Draco whispered sensing her nervousness.

Hermione nodded and took a deep breath before looking st the people there and smiling slightly.

"Is that really her or a holograph?" Harry asked.

"Its really her," Draco smiled.

Hermione stepped forward slightly so she was right next to Draco.

"Hi," she said quietly.

"Hello Hermione," Luna waved before going back to swatting the air.

"H-Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Hi Harry," Hermione said softly.

Harry stood up slowly and walked in front of her. He gingerly touched her shoulder as if seeing if she was actually there or not.

"Hermione," he smiled when his hand hit her. He pulled her into a hug, and Hermione didn't resist but hugged her best friend back.

"You're back," he smiled.

"I'm back," Hermione repeated.

"H-How are you?" Harry asked hesitantly, still stunned by her arrival.

"I'm good, great really," Hermione smiled and she truly meant it. The only thing wrong was a pain in her chest having gone awhile without a cigarette.

Harry grinned and hugged her again.

"Move over. I am getting a hug to," Ginny exclaimed pushing Harry out of her way and hugging Hermione.

"Hi Ginny," Hermione smiled.

She went through and hugged everyone except the teachers and Slytherins, excluding Pansy who was a true friend with Hermione.

They all talked for awhile and Hermione was caught up on daily life.

"Geez where did the time go? It's almost midnight," Ginny said after a long time of talking and laughing.

"Midnight?" Hermione exclaimed jumping up, "Shoot! I have that essay for Flitwick to do. Come on Draco, we need to stop by the library. Bye everyone." She rambled dragging him out by his hand.

"She is definitely going to kill him one day," Theo said as the door closed.

"I'm guessing so," Neville agreed.


"Hey Granger!"


"Come here for a minute."

"Okay, but don't be mad," Hermione called as she came downstairs with a lit cigarette, "Its killing me not having one. I'm sorry."

"Its okay," Draco smiled to her as she put it out and popped in a breath mint.

"So what did you need?" Hermione asked, turning to him with her eyes shining with curiosity.

"Well first," Draco grinned at her before pressing his lips on hers for a moment before pulling away, "I wanted one of those. And second, winter holidays are coming up... And I have to go home, which leaves me with the choice of you being here by yourself and most likely failing yo take care of yourself, or you come with me so I can keep an eye on you."

"Oh," Hermione said half hoping he'd leave her.

"Yep. And I'd be damned if I let you hurt yourself, so, pack your bags cause we are leaving tomorrow," Draco said.

"Do I have to?"

"Mmhm. I've already written to mum and dad so they know I'm bringing someone. And Blaise and Pansy always stay so they'll be there," Draco said.

Hermione sighed in defeat and pouted. Draco took one look down at her face and started laughing a bit.

"That's not going to work," He said pecking her lips again.

"Well it was worth a shot," Hermione shrugged as she trudged up the stairs.


"Ready?" Draco asked holding his hand out to the pale girl.

Hermione nodded and took his hand. Draco turned on the spot and apparated them to Malfoy Manor.

"Okay, my parents aren't that bad. Dads still a little rusty on how to properly talk to people so he may find it diffcult to--"

"Shut up and open the door," Hermione said cutting him off.

Draco rolled his eyes and opened the door, dragging her in behind him.

"Mother, Father, I'm here!" He called out as a house elf took their bags.

"Draco!" His mother called from the sitting room.

Draco grinned at Hermione and pulled her into the room. Hermione smiled inwardly at his excitement to see his family again.

"Draco, oh its been so long. Three months without my little boy," Narcissa said hugging him.

"Mum," Draco said slightly embarrassed, "Good to see you too mum."

"Draco," Lucius smiled to his son hugging him tightly.

Draco returned the hug and grinned widely when he pulled away, "Mother, Father, this is Hermione Granger. Granger, my parents."

Hermione smiled politely at them as they looked at her. Narcissa smiled warmly and gave Hermione a hug and Lucius shook her hand with a nervous look on his face, as though he was scared he'd say something wrong.

"Miss Granger," Narcissa smiled having heard about her problems from Snape. He had told both her and Lucius about how bad Hermione was struggling with love itself and how Draco was working on fixing that.

"Please, call me Hermione Mrs. Malfoy," she said.

"Only if you call me Narcissa," Narcissa smiled and Hermione nodded politley.

"This is who I brought to stay," Draco said smiling down at her when she clutched his hand discreetly in nervousness.

Narcissa seemed to recognize something and her eyes widened slightly before a large grin spread across her face.

"Well its lovely to have you, Hermione," she smiled.

Hermione nodded again. Draco seemed to sense her panic and quickly spoke up.

"It was amazing seeing you again. I'm going to show Granger to her room before dinner," he said with a smile.

"Of course," Narcissa grinned stepping aside.

Draco smiled slightly wider before leading Hermione up the stairs. Narcissa laughed and turned towards Lucius who was wearing a confused look.

"Our little boy has finally found love," she grinned wrapping her arms around him.

"He has?" Lucius asked shocked.

"Mhm, so don't scare away. It'll be lovely to have such a smart young lady around the house," Narcissa rambled.

"We only have her for the holidays," Lucius said chuckling at his wife's enthusiasm.

"I know, but I doubt Draco will let her live by herself after the school year. He'll force her to live with him if he has to and we both know he's not moving out anytime soon," Narcissa said before walking away to help the house elves with dinner, mumbling to herself about preparing a wedding for the two.

"Draco watch out," Lucius mumbled  as his wide retreated, laughing to himself, "That boy has dug himself a grave choosing a mini Narcissa."

So sorry this is kinda short. Its more of a filler chapter. I'm also terribly sorry that it's been so long since I've updated this book! I'll try and post a lot more frequently even though it is slowly coming to a close.


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