Part I.6

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> restart: iteration 16, day 1, early night

Wokay, all right. Don't touch the blood-red magic glyphs. See, I'm learning things. This is good.

> most people wouldn't need to learn that you know

Well, those people clearly aren't scientists. Anyway -- new loop. I've had time to think about my pitch. Let's get it right this time.


> skip forward twenty minutes

Shirou answers the door when I knock. "Uh... yeah?"

"Hey, Emiya." I cut him off before he can ask. "It's Tomonaga. Listen. About a half an hour ago, you accidentally summoned a woman named Saber. She and Rin Tohsaka are sitting in your kitchen right now telling you about this Holy Grail War you're now involved in. It has probably been the single weirdest night of your life, and that was before I showed up. Hi, Not Actually Satan," I add, glancing up towards Archer on the roof. He narrows his eyes.

I look back to Shirou. "I would now like to honestly explain to you and everyone how and why I know all of this. Can I come in, please?"

He stares at me for a moment. Then pushes open the door all the way.

I let out a deep breath. "Thanks." I walk inside.


> skip forward

"Oh, yeah. Those things," Rin says.

We're sitting in Shirou's kitchen again. They've decided to hold off on meeting Kotomine until the morning, since I told them about Berserker this time. Not that they believe me, exactly, but Shirou apparently ran into the creepy murder child himself at some point, so that's enough to raise some warning flags.

Otherwise, it's kind of interesting how much more easily Saber and Rin listen to me with Emiya around (not to mention conscious.) You'd think being so trusting -- to the point of maybe being naive -- would be a strike against him. But at the same time, I guess people want to trust him and his judgment? Wish I could figure out how he pulls that off.

Anyway, so I just finished telling them about the killer magic circle thing. "So what is it?"

"It's a sigil linked to the bounded field around the school," Rin says. "I just found it earlier today. Set up by one of the other Masters, no doubt."

"... to protect the students?" Shirou asks.

"Oh, of course not," Rin says cheerfully. "When it's set off, it'll turn the entire school into a bloody abattoir, killing everyone inside and funneling their souls directly into their Servant as raw mana. Pretty standard tactic, really. Classic Murder-Death-Kill 101." She sips her tea calmly.

Shirou and I exchange a glance.

"Oh, don't give me that look. I'm going to stop it. Besides, it's not even complete yet." Rin pauses. "In fact... for you to actually set off one of those glyphs ahead of time, before the caster triggers it..."

She thinks for a second. "Give me your hand."

"Uh... me? Okay, I guess..." I scooch around the table. She makes a motion in the air, then takes my palm. Okay, I think. Now don't blush. Don't blush. Fuck. Don't blush, dammit --



> download complete

He puts his hand upon her head. She smiles up at him. "Come home soon, Father..."



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