Part II.3

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> continue: iteration 25, day 3, late afternoon


> it's okay it's okay
> you're safe now
> you're safe


> just breathe

FUH. Fuh. Hckk... nightmare? Was... it was just a dream? Oh thank fucking God. What the fuck. What the everliving... shit, my head. Hurts...

... where am I?

> find out

I open my eyes. Unfamiliar ceiling. I'm lying on a mattress. I sit up, my head pounding like a motherfucker. I know this place. Looks like I'm on one of the sickbeds inside the nurse's office. How'd I get here?... I pull the curtain open. On the other side, Ms. Taiga Fujimura -- one of the teachers -- leans back in a chair, sound asleep, snoring like a chainsaw. Aside from her, the whole room looks deserted.

My eyes are wet. Wait... was I crying? Why was I crying? There's a box of tissues set out next to the bed. I grab one and wipe my eyes.

> she's a schoolteacher
> her
> are you serious

Yeah. She's not bad, actually. She's just... well... kinda a ditz when she's off the clock, or so I've been told. I reach out to poke -- wait, no. I also heard she was some kind of martial arts prodigy growing up. I pick up the box of tissues and tap her gingerly on the forehead.

"Five more minutes," she mumbles.

Oh, for... I toss the box of tissues on her lap.

"GYAAA I'M NOT --" She wakes up, flailing her arms around like a Muppet. "Wha... oh, Tomonaga. You're awake. Good. How do you feel?"

"Okay, I guess? My head hurts." I rub the side of my head. Feels bumpy at that point. Did I get hit there or something? "Where is everyone?"

"They went home, silly. School ends early today, remember?" She yawns. "I owed the nurse one, so she asked me to stay behind and watch you. Dang pool shark... God, what time is it? Am I late for dinner?" That's one thing about Ms. Fujimaru. She seems to get real lax when she's hungry.

I knead my temples. "Sensei, what am I doing here?"

"You don't remember?"

"Not really?" I squint. "I was... talking to someone, I think? And --"

Then I remember. I remember everything.

Oh, God.

> breathe
> focus on the present moment
> those aren't your memories

Not a dream. These are hers... my headache flairs. I clutch my temples.

But Ms. Fujimaru is saying something. "-- Sakura Matou. She said you were talking in the hallway when you sorta randomly freaked the fuck out. Just fell on the ground, screaming and flailing. Like you were havin' some kinda seizure. That ever happen to you before?"

"No." But I can't say I'm surprised. These memories... fucking hell...

She shrugs. "So Sakura called for help. When we couldn't wake you up, we hauled you over here."

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