Part I.11

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> skip to: iteration 19, day 1, late night

"Good evening." The little girl curtsies. "Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Illyasviel von Einzbern. And this is my Servant, Berserker. It seems that one of you has me at a disadvantage... if strictly in the metaphorical sense."

"Hi." I wave from behind Shirou and Rin. "Non-combatant retainer here. I'm pathetic. Kill me last, please."

She giggles. "Oh, I make no promises. Berserker?"

The gorilla next to her hurls himself into the air, a missile of pure rage and madness rocketing straight towards us.

> record scratch

So you may be wondering how I got here...

> not really
> was kinda there the whole time dude

Oh, c'mon. I'm doing a bit. This is my mind. I can't do a bit when I want to?

> knock yourself out chief

Thank you. Anyway, wasn't I way past done with Berserker and Creepy Child? Wasn't I all focused on Lancer and stuff?

Yeah, so, about that...


> skip back to: iteration 17, day 2, afternoon

... okay, this whole meditation thing really isn't working out for me right now. I keep seeing Rin getting that shiv in the back. Can't concentrate at all.

I think this might really be messing me up.

> sucks

It's like -- I know she's okay. I've seen her and all. But it's like I can't convince myself of that, you know? My lizard brain or whatever.

> so what you gonna do about it

I dunno. Wait and see if it gets better, I guess? I keep thinking about Berserker and that genderbent Damian wannabe. Mind keeps circling back to them.

I think... I might want to get even? This is sort of a new experience for me.

> so revenge

I guess? Dumb as that is. I mean, this is Berserker we're talking about. Saber and Not Actually Satan can barely manage to get a draw against the guy, and that's only because Scary Little Devil Girl gets bored. I'm a normie with a memory-hack cantrip. There's no way anything I could come up would even scratch him.

... right?


> skip forward to: iteration 19, day 1, early night

"So after you leave the church, you're gonna run into the Berserker Servant," I say to the three others around the Emiya kitchen table. "Wanna know how to beat him?"


> skip forward to: iteration 19, day 1, late night

Archer's missiles intercept Berserker in midair, right on schedule. (How do you even make arrows curve in flight? Eh. Magic. Moving on.) Like always, the explosion somehow sends the bruiser crashing down into the field to our left. We're standing at the top of a kind of terraced slope, on the brick-lined street leading away from the church. The field is a level down from us, standing above the highway at the very bottom of the hill. To our right is the Foreigners' Cemetery, while Little Miss Terror stands between us and the church's front gates. Same scenario I've seen before.

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