Part I.8

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> continue: iteration 16, day 4, early night

Why, hello, Mr. Adrenaline! All at once dozens of voices and thoughts swamp my mind, because holy shit we are so fucked. And all I can think about is what the shit do I do and Shirou doesn't know what to do either he's just standing there staring and there's no way out and oh dear God we're so boned and I really really don't wanna find out what it feels like to get torn apart by Beserker's bare hands...

> go left

I guess that it's moments like this that you find out who you really are. Because out of all that tumult, here's what I do --

I take a deep breath. I look the murder child right in her big red eyes. And I say -- well, okay, shriek: "FLIBBERTIGIBBET FORTY-TWO BAG OF PETUNIAS."

She blinks and tilts her head. "Ex... excuse me?"

"Those are TERRIBLE LAST WORDS RUN," I scream.

With that I grab Shirou's arm and drag him with me over the path's railing and into the woods.

> if you can't beat them confuse them
> not bad

Except it isn't going to work for long because I hear Beserker roar and then we're running for our lives down a steep hillside slope through the thick woods. I can barely see anything. I nearly stumble or twist my ankle half a dozen times. Then, suddenly, we're at the bottom of the hill, and to my shock Beserker isn't right on top of us.

> check on shirou

I lost my grip on Emiya's arm in the process of running. Through some miracle, though, he winds up right next to me as we emerge from the woods, looking utterly confused. "Why -- who was --" he starts.

"Beserker," I mumble. "We are so dead."

> speaking of death

I hear a sound overhead and look up. Out of the treetops fly a pair of white glowing transparent birds. They immediately zero in on us. Wonderful.

"Move!" I start running again just as the the birds -- I swear to God -- start shooting frigging laser beams down at us. Okay, they can't be actual lasers because I can see the pulses and we even have time to dodge them and oh hey there's the school. As in, our high school. We're actually pretty close to the back wall.

> fancy that
> take shelter

We manage to scramble over the fence just as the birds swing around for another attack run, then take cover beneath the eaves of the maintenance shed.

"Did we lose them?" Shirou mutters as we pause for breath.

I shake my head. No way in hell is that simple.

> call for help

I glance over at Shirou's hand. Right, the tattoos! Except they're not tattoos. You know what I mean. "Hey," I mutter, still gasping for breath. "Call Saber."


"You can summon her here with one of those thingies, right? So call her."

He hesitates. "I dunno..."

"What don't you know about?!" I whisper. "They're gonna be here any second! Why would you --" I see the expression on his face. "Oh, for fuck's sake -- what, is this a pride thing?! Is this the whole Batman stoic-badass I-work-alone bullshit?"

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