Chapter 56

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"Get her out of the car."

No, don't get me out of the car.

I was yanked out of the car with brutal force. My head spun with so many emotions, I felt like throwing up. Sinister, my Russian mobster. I did everything in my limited power to save him, but in the end all I did was lose the one thing I cared about.

I couldn't get it out of my head. That dawning look of realization that filled his iced eyes; he was losing me. He had walked into my heart like he had always belonged there, he took down my heart, and lit my soul on fire... It's hard to forget someone that you imagined spending the rest of your life with.

Steffen, the condescending fuckhead, pulled me out of the car, and I felt my stomach drop at the sight in front of me.

It was a plane.

Wherever we were going, It would be far away from Sinister.

I stopped walking, but of course that fuckface dragged me along with him, his hand completely wrapped around my bicep, squeezing my arm until there was no circulation.

"Steffen...where are we going?" I winced and looked up at him, trying to keep the tears from falling down my face. I know... I should run, kick, and scream, but I couldn't take the risk of them going back on their word, I couldn't risk the lives of the people I love.

He glanced down at me, pulling me up the steps and into the plane.

"Home." He said calmly.

Home...Russia. No.

I flew out of his grasp, "Russia? Are you fucking kidding me?"

He rolled his eyes in annoyance, grabbing my arm again and pulling me onto the plane. Illeya was already on board, his legs crossed casually as he sat in a leather arm chair.

"Russia, Illeya? You've got to be fucking joking."

"No" he smiled "I'm not, that's our home. It's where my business runs out of. The only reason we came to America was to retrieve you."

Retrieve me. Wow now I'm a puppy. I guess that's okay, I love puppies.

I sat down on the couch farthest away from Steffen and Illeya, I was scared, depressed, and I felt like crying.

Illeya tapped away on his phone, while Steffen just stared at me like a psychopath.

I had enough. "Excuse me? Osama Bin Ladin? Can you fucking die already?"

He chuckled softly, "I see your little temper hasn't gotten any better."

"Eat a dick."

"You know" he said, ignoring me "we have to talk about things, you can't just ignore me forever."

I shook my head, "actually, I can, and actually, I will. I hate you, I hate everything about your stupid face. Looking at you, makes me want to climb up something really tall, and jump off."

His face grew serious, "I'm sorry for cheating on you, Calla."

I laughed, "You're sorry? Oh, that's great. Let me just choke down a cyanide pill, I'm so thankful you're sorry. Are you sorry for kidnapping me? Are you sorry for taking me away from a man I love?"

He held his head in his hands, "I still can't believe you married that guy."

"Okayyy you little hobo, yes, I married him, and you know what? I fucked him. Yep that's right, I wouldn't put out for you, but I sure as hell put out for him. He doesn't fucking iron his jeans, I actually enjoy his company. He treats me like a fucking princess. He treats me like McDonalds chicken nuggets, that man loves me for who I am. Not for what I look like, you incompetent dildo."

He didn't say anything, he stared at me expressionless. Illeya glanced at me before continuing to play on his phone. Asshole is probably playing Fortnite.

Steffen sighed, "Calla...I loved everything about you."

"Oh yeah? Then why did you cheat on me? Huh? Because I wouldn't let you fuck me you with your micropenis? Go to hell."

The plane ride was silent after that.


Sinister's POV:

"FUCK!" I screamed, the car flying down the highway. We had tried to follow them, but it was too late. Even if we did manage to catch up to them, we didn't have enough firepower to kill all of those fuckers.

The car roared down the freeway, my hands shook as the speedometer climbed up to 170. I didn't give a fuck if we got pulled over, I was so pissed, I would kill anyone who got in my way.

He took her. He fucking took her away from me.

My beautiful little flower. The girl with the biggest heart out of anyone I've ever known. All I had given her was chaos, and yet she stayed with me, she was always by my side, I had never thought that someday she wouldn't be. But just like that, my sweet little flower was taken from me.

This wasn't like the time when the Italians took her, I knew I would be able to have her in my arms again, because I knew everything about the Italians. This was different. This was her brother, a man I knew nothing about, he could be anywhere in the world right now, with my babygirl. I hated seeing those tears pour down her face. I hated seeing her throwing herself away just to safe Afanas and I. Hell, I would die for her, I would throw myself in front of any bullet just to make sure Calla could have the life she wanted...the life she deserved.

"Sin..maybe I should drive." Afanas said calmly from beside me.

"Shut the fuck up." I cut off a minivan. Fuck minivans.

We were about 6 hours away from the compound. I had already called Gabriel and told him the situation. I had all of my men working overtime to find Calla. I planned on tracking every train station, every rental company, every bus station, every airport, hell, every single boat leaving the fucking harbor.

I even called in our allies from the Slovak Mafia, bargaining our narcotic shipments and political powers. I needed to find her.

I glanced at Afanas, "Look man, I'm sorry I just..I need...I want to...fuck, I have to find her."

He nodded, "I know, Sin, we'll get her back. I will do everything in my power to help you bring her back."

My hands tightened around the wheel, "What you said, earlier, you were right. I shouldn't be selfish with Calla. A life in the Mafia, is no life at all for the people you love."

He nodded slowly, saying nothing.

I sighed, "I have so much power, dude. I have control over almost everything, I have the power to start a war...but I can't even save the one I love.I hate it."

"I know, Sin, I know bud."

My foot slammed on the gas."If I bring her back, if I save her...I have to set her free. I can't leave the mob, it's not possible. But she can. I know people don''t deserve the things they don't fight for... I will fight for her, but even if I do, I will never deserve her."

The car stayed silent, and I was left to think about that beautiful, flowered girl. The girl that was my everything. In this crazy, fucked up world, there will never be someone more desperate, than a man losing the thing he loves. I may have bought Calla, I may have brought her into this world, taken away the things she loves, and kept her in a cage. But once I save her, I know what I have to do. I have to break open that cage...

I have to set her free.


So sad :(

Message me, so I don't have to do homework :)



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