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Remi held the handle of the ice box, squeezing it tightly as she tried to work up the nerve to look and see what was inside. Who was inside.

She wished she could bring them all back to life. But alas, they would have nowhere to go. Most likely, they would be recaptured and live out their lives as slaves, and although Remi tried to avoid learning of the horrors that went on in other households, she hadn't been able to help learning some things. Disgusting, degrading, perverse things that made her want to throw up again and again.

If only there was a better world for these corpses to be brought back into—one where they wouldn't have to suffer.

"Need help, master?" Killure purred from behind her, running soothing circles on her wrist.

He wasn't comforting her at all. All he did was make her heart beat a hell of a lot faster and distract her from what she had to do.

"No," she whispered, trying to convince herself.

He pouted, as if this was all some big game to him and he'd just been denied a turn.

"How can you be so casual about this?" she grumbled, and his eyes lit up again.

A sadistic grin appeared on his face. "You forget that I'm a killer, and that I'm used to death and blood and gore. In fact, I revel in it."

Remi shuddered, turning away from him and trying to refocus on the task at hand.

She was somewhat used to gore as well. Actually, more like corpses and body parts and death. But the thought of knowing she was about to look at a person who was dead and most likely would soon be chopped up and sold as meat—and that if things were different, she could bring the body back to life—sickened her. She felt completely helpless, and she hated feeling that way.

Remi could hear Blue and Bliss opening and closing doors behind her.

"But you're not," Killure added as an afterthought, leaning against a refrigerator casually, not caring about the corpses hidden just a few inches from his back.

"Yes, I'm reminded of that all the time," Remi let go of the handle. "But this is just pathetic. It's a door, for goodness sakes."

Killure watched her for a moment through his slitted, cat-like eyes. And then, without warning, he was in front of her. Her eyes hadn't been fast enough to follow the speed of his movements.

He tilted her chin up to look her in the eyes. He always touched her so gently, and despite the fact that the points of his claws were against her neck, they didn't hurt.

"Master," he growled, looking sharply into her eyes. "If you changed—became more accustomed to this, there would be nothing good left in this world."

Remi's eyes widened and her mouth parted slightly in shock as she stared into his deep, royal blue eyes.

Then her lips tilted upwards into a sly grin. Although she wasn't sure where she was gaining this confidence from all of a sudden, Remi winked at him. "So you're saying you don't hate my guts anymore?"

He raised an eyebrow, relaxing his body. "When did I ever hate you, doll?"

Remi let out a huff. "You didn't want to sleep beside me, because you didn't want to be anywhere near me. You called me a liar, and pretty much implied that you wanted to eat me."

His lips parted, and he went to speak but stopped short and bowed his head.

Blue and Bliss stood before them. Bliss grinned widely, while Blue was as expressionless as ever. "We found him. Big help you were."

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