t w e n t y - e i g h t

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Once again, Remi found herself scowling each time she was accidentally bumped into or touched, and every perverted leer that came her way only reminded her of why she hated people.

They were so annoying, doing everything in their power to make themselves happy and achieve their own goals without considering who they might hurt in the process. No one placed any value on life unless it was their own.

They couldn't even watch where they were going. Surely it wasn't so hard to step to the side and avoid ramming their shoulders into her. She was small, after all. For a brief, bitter moment, Remi wondered if they were bumping into her on purpose. It sure seemed like it at times.

Her blood boiled in her veins, and she itched to jam her elbow into every person that knocked into her. However, she was able to keep her composure by keeping her arms pinned to her sides, hands clenched in fists so tight that her fingernails were probably making crescent shapes on her palms.

The deafening buzzing of chatter also irritated her. They reminded her of bugs with their incessant talking. Remi wanted to slap her hands over her ears and block out the noise, but she doubted even that would work. She'd probably only succeed in ever so slightly muting the noise. It would still scream quietly, playing as background music for her thoughts. Terrible, grinding background music that made her want to scream.

Why did she come out here again?

Oh, right. Killure.

She still hadn't seen any sign of him, and she'd been looking high and low.

Once they'd rode their horses into the city, they left them at a trustworthy boarding centre. Riding through the crowded streets on creatures as large as horses would be difficult—someone would probably try hurt the horses for fun, or taunt them by throwing rocks. Remi wouldn't allow that. They'd come back for them later in the day when they were ready to head home.

Faye and Caede had grown bored long ago, and convinced her to head over to Lord Gallanthus's house so Faye could visit her fiancé. Remi tried to protest, but when they simply went on ahead of her, she had no choice but to follow. The last thing she wanted was to get kidnapped again, or worse—raped.

She knew her body was only temporary, and that no one could take away her soul and essence unless she let them, but what irritated her was the mindset of men who held no qualms about taking an unwilling woman and raping her. 

They were so arrogant that they thought they could take whatever they want, and treated women like mere objects they could get off on.

Remi wondered how they would feel if the rolls were reversed and women were the ones who had a dick. They probably wouldn't feel too happy about the arrangement.

She hadn't told anyone about what had almost happened, despite the fact that she'd been waking up in a cold sweat nearly every night since, and jumped at every little thing. Rape was such a common thing in society that Remi was sure everyone would think she was making a big deal over nothing and simply being dramatic if she were to tell anyone.

Faye was practically skipping ahead of Remi, at Caede's side. He didn't seem near as excited, and a small scowl even twisted his features. His flaxen hair absorbed the sun.

Remi couldn't help but scowl at the joy radiating off her vain sister. She didn't feel happy right now, and selfishly wished no one else around her did, either.

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