f i f t y - s i x

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Remi stumbled out of the tavern in shock. She hadn't even been able to muster a farewell to her grandpa with all the thoughts swirling around in her head.

She could hardly think straight. Her brain felt dazed and confused.

Her grandpa had delivered and unleashed a bomb of information on her, and none of it made any sense. Well, it did, in a twisted, imaginary, theoretical sort of way, but not in a way that seemed even remotely realistic. It couldn't be possible.

The golden token felt heavier than a lead weight in her pocket, weighing her down with its magnitude. It was almost as light as air, in actuality, but it sure didn't feel that way right now.

Remi bumped into someone by accident, not paying attention to her surroundings. They whirled around, intent on unleashing their anger on her, but was stopped. Everything was blurry, and Remi couldn't tell what was going on. People had killed for less.

And then she saw him.

Killure sent the tall man she'd bumped into flying down the street. His loud holler faintly registered in the back of her mind, but she couldn't bring herself to even think about him right now.

"Killure," she whispered softly, so softly that her words were drowned out by the deafening voices of the crowd around her.

But he heard.

His blue, stormy eyes met hers.

"Take me somewhere, away from all this. Just for a while," she pleaded, her vision blurring, everything around her confusing and too bright.

His gaze was dark and intense. "As you wish, doll."

And then they were flying. Far, far away from Merricrest. Away from the stupid crowds and all their noise.


Away from it all.


Waves crashed into the large rocks at the bottom of the cliff, powerful and angry.

Remi looked over for a second more, watching the frothy foam dance on the surface with every movement of the water.

And then she must have leaned too far, for she suddenly lost her balance. Her eyes shot open wide, and fear danced through her veins as she realized she had lost control. Her arms shot out, flailing wildly.

A muscled arm wrapped around her waist and roughly pulled her away from the edge, spinning her around.

Killure was looking at her like she was stupid, a dark eyebrow raised high. He was clearly unamused. "Are you trying to fall off and die?"

Remi crossed her arms and huffed. "I was doing just fine."

"Sure you were," he rolled his eyes and scowled in her direction. He was lounging about casually, with both his knees half-way up, leaning on one arm.

Remi glanced past him to the charred remains of Northfall. It was a barren land, full of charred trees and waste. There were no creatures that scurried about, not even clicking insects or fluttering bugs. Although for that Remi was glad. She hated bugs. They were the one living thing she wished never existed.

Still, it was sad to see this place like this. All charred and burnt beyond recognition, and probably only a fraction of what it once was. If Remi looked hard enough, she could almost imagine how beautiful this place once was.

Her eyes wandered back to Killure's handsome face, only to find his stormy eyes staring straight at her with a startling intensity.

"What?" she asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.

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