f o r t y - o n e

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A/N: this is the completely unedited version, so don't be surprised if you see some mistakes. Anyways, if you enjoy, or even if you don't, feel free to comment and vote—I love reading comments(:

Remi felt like she'd been to hell and back a dozen times. When she'd tried to sit up before, she'd ripped open scabs and doctors had rushed in to deal with it.

Doctors. Relying on strangers to help her with injuries that may never go back to what they once were was terrifying. Remi was used to Goldridge science, not going about thing the way regular people did. So much waiting was involved with this process, and it made Remi restless.

The Goldridges were always able to survive without the need for doctors, because they could do everything much faster, with uncanny perfection.

But then again, not a single Goldridge in all of their family history, to Remi's knowledge, had ever willingly ran into a burning building. None had allowed themselves to get burned.

It wasn't near as bad as it could have been. She only had minor third and second degree burns along the outsides of her arms and some parts of her legs. A few inches of her precious hair had been singed off, but Bliss had come in while Remi was still unconscious to make it even and pretty. Remi grimaced at the thought. She'd definitely be growing it out again—it'd nearly been at the top of her butt, and now it barely reached her mid-back area.

And yet, Remi's hair wasn't the first thought that came to mind when she first woke up yesterday. Nor was it how badly she was burnt.

And regrettably, it wasn't even about the well-being of the people she'd pulled from the burning building. She felt bad about that.

Instead, the very first thought that entered her mind was if Killure was alive and safe.

She'd taken a big chance.

When she'd fried the connection between herself and Killure, she was fully expecting to die in that fire, and thought that taking the risk of killing him was better than subjecting him to an inevitable death when the flames consumed her.

But Remi survived, which meant that Killure would have as well if she hadn't interfered with the bonding. It also meant that she might have possibly, accidentally fried his brain for nothing.

But Bliss had only given Remi a sad shake of her head and handed her a slip of paper. Remi had gently propped herself up using all the pillows at the head of her hospital bed, and unfolded the note.

His handwriting was messy, but most slaves couldn't read or write.

Her heart flip flopped as she read what he'd scrawled on the thin piece of paper. I'm leaving. Don't come searching for me.

Simple, short, but no less sharp than a dagger.

She'd felt both relief and sadness at the same time. Relief that he was alive and she hadn't killed him, but sad that he clearly wanted nothing to do with her. She'd expected that, of course—he was forced into being her slave. But she hadn't expected the empty pit that currently resided in her stomach now that Killure wasn't around.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Blue's voice interrupted her chaotic thoughts.

Remi blinked a few times, then shook her head. "Sorry, what was that?"

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