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The supper Captain Rismak provided them with was phenomenal. There was an appetizer of cheeses, raw vegetables, dip, a main course of cow meat and spicy sauces with potatoes and corn and peas, and a dessert consisting of lemon meringue pie and sweet apple cider.

After they had finished visiting and ate their fill, the captain sought a private audience with Lars, and had his servants usher Remi, her cousins, and Killure to enjoy relaxing in his indoor hot springs for the remainder of the evening.

The change rooms just outside of the hot springs, separated for men and women, were misty and humid, and Remi had to squint to see if she was changing into her swimwear properly. However, the obscurity only added to the hot spring's enchanting allure.

She wore a black two piece, the top a halter neck that only went down to her rib cage, and the bottoms high-rising.

Most women in the city wore nothing when going into hot springs, as long as there were no men in there with them. But when they were sharing with men, or in an area where men might pass by, it was customary to wear a covering of some sort.

And while the Goldridges rarely confirmed to the standards of society, usually living their own lives by their own rules, this was one they followed. In their own hot baths, most of their were comfortable in the nude, but they never did so in the home of another person, because that would convey a lack of respect. Hence, the swim suits they were putting on tonight.

As she did up the strap in the back, Remi couldn't help but feel relieved to finally have gotten rid of all the layers for some relaxation. It was freeing.

Bliss admired Remi's swim wear, spinning her around and clapping her hands with a delighted smile on her face.

"Thank you!" Remi chirped. "You look quite incredible yourself."

Bliss smiled and did a girly spin, showing off her ample curves. She was too adorable. Her waist was narrow and small, but her breasts were quite large and her butt round and toned from all those early mornings she and Remi spent exercising.

After putting up her long hair into a messy bun on the top of her head so that it would stay dry, Remi linked arms with her cousin and together they strutted out into the hot springs. The tiled floor was cold against her feet, and the air smelled fresh and humid.

They walked into a somewhat large, enclosed room on the bottom 'deck' of Captain Rismak's ship-shaped mansion. Water was pumped from natural hot springs, but the area itself enclosed in by three cave-style rock walls and one glass wall from which they could look into the lake and admire the beautiful schools of fish. A magnificent display of plants and greenery grew in the corners of the room and scaled the walls and roof, giving it a wonderfully natural feel. Almost as if they really were out in nature.

The room temperature was quite cool just like the air outside became at night, making the warm waters of the hot springs desirable.

Remi couldn't wait to slip in.

Killure met her as soon as they walked out of the change room. He parted his lips to say something, but stopped short upon seeing her, his eyes widening in surprise, then darkening.

He stared for a moment longer while she and Bliss waited to hear what he had to say. Finally, Killure cleared his throat and shook his head, stepping aside so they could pass by.

Remi unhooked their arms and told Bliss to go on ahead of her, and watched as her cousin eagerly slid into the hot waters beside her brother, who had already fallen asleep.

Remi turned back to Killure and smiled sweetly. "Aren't you coming in?"

He raised an eyebrow and tilted his lips upward. "You'd like me to?"

"Would I ask if I didn't?" she laughed lightly. "You saved my life today, and although I didn't particularly like how you did it, you deserve a rest."

He shrugged somewhat uncomfortably, glancing at the springs.

Remi rolled her eyes and latched onto his arm as she pulled him forward, causing him to inhale sharply and glance down at the way his arm was touching her bare stomach and part of her covered breast.

She hardly noticed as she pulled him to the edge, her feet slapping loudly on the tiled stone floor like a penguin until she let him go and dipped gracefully into the hot springs.

The searing waters wrapped her in a comfortable embrace, easing the tension from her body and calming her nerves. The anxiety she'd been feeling ever since she left the comfort of her home that morning slowly dissipated into nothing.

A few drops of water splashed up against her as Killure quickly slipped into the water on her right. He hardly caused any ripples.

He'd taken off his heavy black trousers and over-shirt, but kept on his tight black undershirt and under shorts, and Remi couldn't help but admire his strong, muscular arms and strong, broad back.

He laid his head back against the stone floor and closed his eyes, relaxing his body. Remi raised an eyebrow. For someone who didn't want to come in, he sure seemed to be enjoying himself.

Bliss shook her brother awake, and before long the three cousins were chatting away animatedly. As always, Bliss talked through mouthed words, facial expressions, and hand gestures, but Remi was so used to it by now that it seemed like her cousin was talking aloud with the rest of them.

Bliss told them about how much she was enjoying the hot springs, and that she wished they had something so natural and floral-filled back at their estate, instead of the mansion's fancy, modern baths.

Remi couldn't help but agree. She couldn't get over how beautiful this place was, either.

Not even the sirens swam by the glass wall to pester them, which was a sweet relief. Having unfamiliar eyes on her would only make Remi squirm and feel like she had to remain on guard and tense.

The young woman who spoke all those intelligent words ever so confidently was who she was, but whenever Remi found herself in a situation with other people, it was as though that fiery young woman became a broken, cracking mask that threatened to crumple. The mask took constant effort to keep on.

Those unfamiliar people, their expectant gazes, and strained conversations reduced her to a fumbling, terrified shell of a person on the inside. Maintaining who she was on the outside in that state was exhausting.

Crowds made her tremble, and all those faces seemed to silently scream at her to run and hide. Cower. Go back to her comfort zone and never leave. Anxiety would wash over her in waves, and she stayed dripping wet even after the wave receded.

She hated unfamiliarity.

Remi wished she could rid herself of the anxiety and doubts that plagued her mind when she became enshrouded by a crowd, but they stuck to her like glue. In fact, they even seemed to multiply and grow like weeds in a potato field.

The glass door squeaked as four young men in robes walked into the room with tall glasses of cold water, and left them beside each person on the dry, stone floor.

Remi laughed at how Bliss openly admired them, mouthing naughty words, and then nodded in agreement.

With a smile on her face and her cousins' happy chatter in her ears, Remi wiped away the condensation on her glass before picking it up and bringing it to her lips.

Just as she was tilting her head back and closing her eyes to enjoy the cool sensation, Killure stopped her. With only one eye open, he took the glass from her hand, his finger brushing against hers, and sniffed it, before nodding and handing it back to her.

She rolled her eyes. Great, no poison.

The cool water went down Remi's throat like a breath of fresh air, and she relished in the comfort of her surroundings. They soon made her eyelids droop, and drew her into a light, comfortable sleep.

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