Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Kat re-bandaged the cut on her shoulder and pulled her shirt on. It was getting worse. The cut had widened and throbbed with every movement. Something was definitely wrong. She had no idea if Spencer was right. She wasn't Buffy for goodness sakes, she was just Kat.

She looked over at the papers Spencer had left for her to read through. He had promised to come back and go over it with her as soon as he finished running an errand for his parents All she really wanted to do right now was find out as much as she could the sword, but she could hear her grandmother rattling around downstairs and realized she was already in the shop.

The image of her grieving grandmother just a few short months ago filled her mind and she knew she had made the right decision by not asking her anything about the sword. It was enough that her grandfather had been killed so senselessly. She refused to add to her grandmother's burden.

When her grandfather died, her grandmother accepted that she couldn't stay in the apartment above the antique shop any longer. Not without her husband. She had left it to Kat and found a small one bedroom apartment a few minutes away. It gave them both space and the ability to deal with their grief as individuals.

Kat grabbed her leather jacket and made sure to lock the door before heading downstairs and calling out to her grandmother.

The jingle of the door caught her attention and she stopped cold. The man standing in the doorway seemed familiar. He barely spared her a glance before walking into the shop. The way he carried himself raised the hairs on the back of her neck and before she even heard him speak, she knew who it was.

Devil's Cut: A Blade Master Chronicles NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now