Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

Morgan looked around the shop and smiled appreciatively at the swords displayed on the far wall. He looked at both displays and bit his lip when he realized the sword he sought was not among them. The girl, he whipped his head around and caught her staring at him. The corner of his lip rose when he saw the look on her face. She recognized him. He watched her as she walked over to intercept the older woman coming from the back room and whisper to her.

"Nonsense," he overheard her say. His broad smile greeted her as she took his hand welcomingly. "Mr. Demeter, How are you?"

"Very good ma'am, I was sorry to hear about your husband." His voice dripped with sympathy as it was meant to. One glance at the girl though told him that she wasn't buying it so he moved on.

"I came by to see if you had found that sword your husband had mentioned?" He was still angry with himself for letting the girl get the best of him. He didn't know of any other the way to get the sword now without anyone getting hurt or killed and that was something he wanted to avoid, for now.

"Of course. Kat, did you come across a case of swords when you restocked yesterday?"

Morgan watched the different emotions that crossed her face and had to stifle a laugh. She definitely knew it was him.

"I did Abuela, what kind of sword is Mr. Demeter looking for exactly?" Her tone was like ice so he smiled sweetly and decided to indulge her.

"It resembles a civil war era blade, mounted cavalry, simple but...unique." He decided to test her, "There is a symbol on the blade where it meets the hilt-"

Kat didn't let him finish, "I didn't come across a blade like that at all. We have some katanas, an ornate dress sword, and two dueling blades."

Morgan knew she was lying and considered calling her on it but he hesitated. She looked different than she did earlier and he bit back a curse as he realized why.

"Katerina!" her grandmother chastised, "there is no need to be so rude."

"It's fine Mrs. DelaVida, she's young. Maybe I could take a look at the swords myself?" He was just a few years older than her but he had a world of experience with blades like these that she did not have.

Arms crossed Kat glared at him.

Morgan could only guess at what she must be thinking, first he tries to steal the blade and now here he is asking to buy it.

"No." she said.

"Kat!" Horrified, Angela DelaVida couldn't believe her granddaughter's behavior.

Morgan raised his hands in surrender, "you know what, maybe I'll come back another time when we aren't so moody..." he kept his tone light and pulled a card out of his pocket. "If you or your granddaughter come across the sword, I would certainly appreciate it if you would let me know."

"Of course Mr. Demeter, I'm sorry we couldn't be of more help."

"No worries, ma'am, no worries. I'm sure it will turn up, your husband was very sure that it was in his possession." He smiled at the older woman and threw a wink Kat's way before leaving.

"Kat, what were you thinking? We need the money from that sale, you know that." Angela sat down heavily on the old chair that had belonged to her husband. She caressed the armrest briefly before looking at her granddaughter again. Neither of them had been the same since Rodolfo died.

"Abuela..." Kat stopped herself. How could shetell her grandmother that she knew she still cried herself to sleep. How couldshe burden her with the sword? And this man, Morgan, how did he know hergrandfather and why did he break in? There were too many questions and notenough answers right now. She gave herself a shake. "The sword," The meremention of the sword made her break into a cold sweat, "the sword..." the rest ofher words faded into oblivion as she tried to focus on her grandmother to noavail. The beat of her heart and the throbbing of her shoulder roared to acrescendo in her ears as the floor came up to meet her.    

Devil's Cut: A Blade Master Chronicles NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now