Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

"Katerina...Kat baby, open your eyes hijita," her grandmother's soothing voice drifting into her consciousness. Everything hurt.

"Here, I don't think we need to call an ambulance." Spencer's voice blended with her grandmother's as they discussed her. She felt the cool compress and lost herself for a moment in it before opening her eyes.

"Gracias a Dios," her grandmother murmured.

Kat gave her a tremulous smile, "sorry."

"For what?" she said. "Why didn't you tell me?"

She glared at Spencer who shook his head. "Tell you what?"

"That you were feeling sick last night." Spencer said.

Grateful that he hadn't said anything, Kat felt a tear roll down the side of her face. "You were out for a few minutes and I know you didn't want her to worry." The smile he gave her spoke volumes. He cared for her, and he seemed to be willing to follow her lead.

Kat sat up and shrugged her shoulders carefully. There it was, the throbbing. She didn't feel it at all when she had the sword in her hand.

"I'm fine, I just got a little light headed."

"I shouldn't have had you moving all those boxes by yourself." Her grandmother chided herself. "It was too much for anyone."

"It's fine, really." Kat pulled her grandmother down onto the couch next to her, she hadn't forgotten about Morgan. "The man who came earlier, how did he know Abuelo?"

If Angela was surprised by the question, she didn't show it. "Your grandfather knew his father, at least that's what Rodolfo told me before he died."

Kat stiffened, "Abuelo talked to you about him before he died?"

"Yes, he said he had met with the son of an old friend and that he was interested in picking up where his father had left off." Her grandmother took a deep breath before continuing. "He died before, before..." she abruptly stood up, "I'm going to make us some tea." She said before hurrying out of the room wiping away tears.

"Dammit Spencer." Kat's voice broke as she felt her grandmother's and her own grief wash over her.

Spencer sat down and took her in his arms. He didn't speak until she had cried herself out.


"I know, the blade, the whole Buffy thing, this is ridiculous, you know that right?"

"But what if it's true? What if that blade was meant for you?"

"Well if it is it's doing a bang up job," she said angrily. She pulled the shirt off her shoulder and showed him the inflamed cut.

He moved to touch it.

"Don't!" She fixed her shirt, "sorry but it hurts like hell and I'm thinking that may be why I passed out. I feel like crap."

"Hold the sword." He said matter of fact.

"Hold the... are you crazy?" Kat snapped her mouth shut when he stood up to help her grandmother with the tray she was carrying.

They would definitely talk about this later.

Devil's Cut: A Blade Master Chronicles NovellaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum