Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

"Spencer, are you sure about this?" Kat warily eyed the sword he extended to her.

"Just try it, satisfy my curiosity."

Kat grabbed the hilt and felt the familiar rush of warmth. The edge of anger and hatred remained but the blade seemed calmer.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm not sure." She didn't tell him that she did in fact feel better, stronger. The throbbing in her shoulder was non-existent, plus, she thought she understood.

"Understand what?" Spencer looked perplexed, "what are you talking about?'


"You said you understood," Spencer threw a fist in the air, "Yes! You're feeling it aren't you? The sword I mean."

Kat watched as Spencer fought to contain his excitement. He was right, she did understand. This was the first time her powers had manifested themselves so consistently and it scared the hell out of her. Her grandfather had been careful to explain to her the necessity of keeping what she could do hidden from others and until now, she hadn't understood why.

She looked down at her hand as the warmth turned to heat and she quickly let the sword clatter to the floor.

"What the hell was that?' she demanded.

Spencer shook his head and spread out the information he had been able to gather about the sword's possible origins.

"You feel it, but it feels you too."

"That's impossible Spencer." She dropped onto the couch exhausted. They'd had to wait until closing to get back to this. None of this could possibly be real. She was sure she was going to wake up to her grandmother's cooking and a room full of boxes that she still had to put away.


Spencer opened his mouth to contradict her but stopped himself. What could he say? Her grandfather had told them both stories of historical events, of the Order, of the one who will be chosen. They had loved those stories and as kids they had both made believe they were the one chosen to lead the army of light from the darkness. And now, one of them had been chosen. Did her grandfather know? Spencer answered his own question. Of course he did, but he wouldn't have wanted Kat to go through this alone.

He sat down next to her and patted her knee. They sat in silence as they both tried to process the ramifications of their discovery.

The doorbell jarred them both. Kat left him on the couch and opened the door.


Spencer came running when she yelled and stopped cold.

Morgan Demeter filled the doorway. Easily 6' 3" he was built like a linebacker and the confident way he stood told them both that he knew it.

"Can I come in?"

He smiled when Kat attempted to block his view into the apartment.

"I've already been here, remember?"

"How can I forget." She tried to close the door but he stopped her "We have nothing to talk about Mr. Demeter."


"She said you have nothing to talk about." Spencer stood shoulder to shoulder with Kat, presenting a united front against him.

"Truce, truce." Morgan put his hands up. "Your grandfather sent me."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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Devil's Cut: A Blade Master Chronicles NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now