Are You Okay?

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Fan art of Cole and Jason pictured above by InsertHomoUsername! Absolutely amazing work!

If anyone else is inspired to make some sort of fan art, please contact me via Wattpad direct messaging!



"Hey," I looked up from my textbook to see Emma standing in front of my desk. I guess I hadn't realized she was in my Bio class as well. She really was a quiet girl.

"Hey?" I asked unsurely, not really sure why she would willingly talk to me in front of so many people.

"When are we gonna start working on our project? I already have some ideas."

"Oh, uh. How about today after school?" I suggested, knowing I wouldn't be meeting Jason until late. There'd be time.

"Um, yeah, I guess that's alright," she hugged herself a little. "Do you have a car?"

"No. Do you?"

"No. I take the bus."

"We can walk to my house. It's not far. I can get my aunt to drive you home," I said.

"Okay," she nodded. "I'll meet you outside the office after last period?"



And then she left, and I was left alone to continue reading about the differences between mitosis and meiosis.


Emma and I sat awkwardly in my room. We both had our textbooks open in our laps as we avoided conversation.

After a while, I just couldn't take it anymore.

"1692," I said.

Emma looked up for a moment before glancing down at her book again and scribbling something down in her notebook.

Huffing in frustration, I turned in my swiveling desk chair and fired up my computer.

"Are we doing a PowerPoint or what?"

"Sure," she shrugged lightly.

"But we have to turn in a paper, too, right?"


"Are you going to answer in anything longer than one syllable?"

Emma set down her pencil and hugged her arms around her body, flicking her eyes around the room as she looked at everything but me.

"I'm sorry. I don't speak much when I'm uncomfortable," she practically whispered.

I'm making her uncomfortable?

"Is it because I'm gay?" I asked.

"No," she answered in that small voice of hers.

"Then what?" I asked curiously.

Finally letting her eyes flick to meet mine, she sighed heavily and picked at the frayed sleeves of her sweatshirt.

"It's because you're a bully."

My heart sank and I looked away. I hated myself for that, for all of it, but I was a coward and couldn't stop once I had started.

"I never meant to be," I said softly.

"That doesn't change it."

"I know."

"1692?" She changed the topic after a few moments of dead air.

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