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Humming softly to myself, I scuffed my shoes against the cement, each step in rhythm to my tune. I wasn't sure exactly what song I was humming, but it had been stuck in my head for a while now. Maybe I'd remember what it was called later.

Practice had been a little harder than normal today. Coach was really pushing us since we had a game coming up with one of our school's biggest rivals. And after losing Trevor, we had to do extra work to fill his shoes. Whether or not we'd like to admit it, he was one of the better players on the team.

Sighing, I let my gaze slip past house after house as I walked. I was briefly able to wonder about what kind of life each inhabitant lived before I moved on to the next place.

As I was nearing adulthood, some part of me yearned for a normal, stable life that I was in complete control of. All I wanted was a decent job and a decent place to live with a normal, functioning family. But another part of me was scared to death that I would never have that.

I was afraid I'd end up alone, trembling in the freezing rain again. Except this time, I was afraid Jason wouldn't be there to save me.


It hurt to think that he might not be in my life forever. The two years I went without seeing him was enough to kill me inside, and as I thought about him, I noticed how my footsteps picked up their pace.

I wanted to get to the diner. I wanted to see him.

It wasn't long before the diner came into view. The quaint little building only had a few customers at the moment. I'd come early, so I knew Emma probably wasn't there just yet.

A little bell jingled above my head as I walked through the door. My eyes scanned the place as I searched for a good seat. I chose one of the booths near the window and set my backpack next to me as I sat down.

My eyes wandered to behind the counter, but I didn't see Jason there. Just a short ginger girl. It wasn't long before she came over to take my order.

"Hello, my name is May. I'll be your server for this evening," she said with a polite smile. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"I'll take a water for now. I'm waiting for someone too, so I don't know what she'll want."

"Okay," she smiled. "I'll leave some menus here and be right back with your water, then."

"Thank you," I smiled back, but as she turned around I stopped her. "Wait. Is there a Jason working here tonight?"

"No," she told me, "I think he called in sick today."

"Oh. Okay, thanks anyway," I said as I looked out the window.

I bit my lip after she walked away.

Jason was sick?

I really hoped he had a roof over his head. If he didn't I'd... I don't know what I'd do. Probably go out and find him so I could drag him back home with me.

I couldn't let anything happen to him.

But I had no idea where he was.

The bell above the door jingled again and I looked up to see Emma walking towards me with her books cradled in her arms.

She sat down.

We ordered some food and started to discuss the Salem Witch Trials.

But all I could think about was Jason and if he was okay.


"Hey," I mumbled absentmindedly as Elliot and Jordan sat on the floor across from me and placed their lunch trays in front of them. I was still worrying about Jason. "Where's the third musketeer?"

Elliot glanced to the spot Holly usually sat in and frowned. "She's home sick."

I frowned too. "There must be something going around."

"Yeah," Elliot said. "Either that or she's just ditching. She does that quite a lot."

"I bet," I said, but I was thinking about Jason again.

"You okay, Cole?" Elliot asked.

"Um... yeah. Why do you ask?"

"You seem a little... distant today."

"It's nothing."

"I'm sure it's something," he pushed.

"I'm fine, I promise. Now where did I leave off in the story?" I tried to change the subject.

Luckily, it worked.

"You were cuddling with Jason after your nightmare," Jordan inputted.

Elliot smiled mischievously at me before he dug into his lunch.

Sighing, I continued my story.



What's going on with Jason? Is he really sick? Is it related to what's going on with Holly?

The world may never know...

Until a few chapters from now.


If you could change your hair color, what color would you change it to?

Thanks for the read,

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