A Monster

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Here's some fanart of Cole by @QueenTrashelot



I woke up to the worst pain imaginable. Every bone and muscle in my body ached. I felt as though I'd been ripped in two. I felt as though my insides had become my outsides and my outsides had become my insides. I felt weak. I felt vulnerable.

I felt broken.

My cheeks were stained by tears, but I didn't have the heart to wipe them away. I couldn't move. If I moved it would hurt. I couldn't think. If I thought it would hurt even more.

So I stayed on the floor, silently staring at the blurry outline of my bedframe as I tried to keep my senses numb.

It was late.

I couldn't stay here forever. He'd come back for me.

I couldn't stay another second.

I had to leave.

It took a great deal of energy to get my limbs to move, but once they did, I gingerly reached down and pulled my pants back up to my hips.

I felt filthy, disgusted, angry, but above all, I felt afraid.

My hands shook as I rebuttoned my pants, and I used what was left of my strength to heave myself off the floor and shove some clothes into my back pack.

Standing still, the only sounds I could hear were my shaky breathing and the faint plop of my tears rolling off my chin and landing on my bag.

No. That was a lie. It was raining, and the rumbling thunder outside made itself known.

I tenderly put on my jacket, doing my best not to move too much, and slung my bag over my shoulder.

I pressed my ear against the door, trying to pinpoint the location of- of a monster.

I could hear the TV downstairs. I recognized the soundtrack for the title menu of some movie playing over and over again.

I listened carefully, and only dared to open the door when I'd heard it play three times start to finish.

As silently as I could, I crept down the stairs, avoiding the steps that creaked as I made my way to the first level.

My body screamed at the movement, but I did my best to stay numb. I had to get away from this house. I couldn't wake him up.

I could hear his soft snores from the living room, where he was no doubt buried in a mountain of empty beer bottles.

I held my breath as I limped to the door, forcing myself to only turn the lock and the knob millimeters at a time as to keep it quiet.

Once they were both in place, I used my other hand to steady the door on the frame as I slowly pulled it open.

I caught the latch with my finger before it could pop out and make a sound.

Without looking back, I stepped out into the rain and became swallowed by the black abyss of a starless night.


I didn't realize where my feet were taking me until I was standing at the door.

Music thumped loudly through the walls, and colorful lights streamed through the windows. I could practically smell the mass of sweat riddled, hormonal, and drunken teenagers radiating from inside.

I hated that I came here.

I hated that I had nowhere else to go.

I rang the doorbell, praying to whatever god would listen that it'd be Ben to open the door and not one of the drunken cronies that liked to use me as a punching bag.

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