Another Black Eye

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Trigger Warning!

Skip to the end of the chapter to find out content.


"I think this is turning out to be the most exciting part of my day," Elliot smiled as he and his friends made themselves comfortable on the floor in front of me. I smiled back lightly before I started to dive right back into the story.


I sat beside Jason on the balcony of the tree house. One of my legs was pulled up to my chest while the other dangled over the edge. I rested my chin against my knee as my mind settled in a blissful sort of peace.

The sun was close to setting, and Jason was using the last of the light to flip through a recent newspaper he had found on his way back.

Glancing lazily over at him, I watched how his eyes slid over the letters on the pages. It had been a few weeks since he kissed me, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him to again.

"Hoping to find anything?" I asked softly, having noticed his habit of picking up papers throughout my time here.

He shrugged noncommittally, allowing his blue eyes to flit up to mine briefly before going back down to the page.

"Job ads," he responded eventually, "News about people I used to know, maybe."

People he used to know. He had never talked about anyone from his past.

I bit my lip as I looked back out at the horizon, but immediately regretted it when I was met by a sharp pain. I raised my hand and lightly traced my finger over my split lip. They had cornered me again the other day at school, though I got out relatively unscathed this time.

My movement caused Jason to look back up at me, and when his gaze was drawn towards my lip, it softened a bit. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," I dropped my hand into my lap.

Jason sighed softly as he looked back down, eyes gliding over the page. Suddenly, he grunted, causing my own eyes to snap immediately to him.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

Straightening up the page with a flick of his wrist, Jason held it up and began to read an article aloud.

"A fourteen year old boy from Milford, New Hampshire has committed suicide. Though he left no note for his friends and family, several sources have come forward to tell us more about what his life was like at MHS.

"He was a good kid," says fellow freshman Adrian Roberts, "He was smart, on the debate team even, and he didn't deserve half of the stuff MHS students put him through."

"There's a bullying problem at MHS." Junior Matt Connors comments. "[He] was a small, scrawny kid. He had glasses. He was smart. He was openly gay. He was an easy target for the worst sorts of people here at school. I didn't know the kid well, but I know he didn't have it easy."

"There were days he was afraid to come to school," Sophomore Jordan Hughes tells. "Towards the end, he was getting paranoid. He was afraid to walk home, to go to the bathroom by himself, all out of fear that he would get verbally or physically assaulted by upperclassmen. He didn't feel safe. At first, I didn't realize how bad it actually was, but when I came out earlier this year, I experienced it first hand. It's- It's frightening, how malicious these people can actually be. My best friend died because no one tried to stop the bullying, students or faculty, and I can't help but wonder if he'd still be here if just one of us had done something. Bullying needs to stop, before we lose someone else.""

I blinked, abandoning my story as for the first time, an extra detail clicked in my mind.

"Jordan?" I asked softly, looking up to see the boy with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, wiping at his cheeks as he stood abruptly and hastened down the hallway.

"Babe?" Elliot called after him with alarm.

He started to get up but I beat him to it and insisted, "Let me talk to him first."

I followed Jordan down the hall, seeing him round a corner and disappear into an empty classroom.

"Jordan?" I asked again as I entered.

"Leave me alone, Decker," he grumbled.

"Are you okay?"

"I swear to God, Cole. If you don't leave right now, I'm going to give you another black eye," he growled, rounding on me with a glare.

I cringed, remembering the first one he gave me and subconsciously flinching back a bit.

What was I thinking? I should've just let Elliot come after him.

Not knowing what else to do, I stepped forward and hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry."

Jordan tensed up at first, but eventually relaxed a bit and tentatively hugged me back.

"Thanks," he said quietly, pulling away from the hug to sit in one of the empty desks.

I sat in the one in front of him, turning so I could face him.

"Tell me about him."

Jordan looked at me like I was a loon, but then sighed as he relented.

"His name was Carson and he was the first boy I ever had feelings for. I had kissed him twice and was working up the courage to actually ask him out when he was found dangling in his closet."

Jordan tried to keep a straight face, but as his words tumbled out, his facade crumbled.

"I had no idea he was going to do it. I could've stopped it, but I didn't. I ignored the signs and now because of me, he's gone."

"It's not your fault Jordan," I said sternly.

"It's damned well my fault," he growled. "It was all of our faults, because we just sat by and did nothing."

"Jordan," a new voice sounded softly, and we both turned our heads to see Elliot standing in the doorway. Jordan looked away in shame as his boyfriend approached. Elliot placed his palms on either side of Jordan's face and pulled his gaze back to his own. "Look at me. You may not have been able to save Carson, but you did save me, okay? You made a difference in my life."

Jordan nodded solemnly, leaning forward to press his forehead against Elliot's.

"Now," Elliot pulled Jordan out of the desk and hugged him around the waist, "There's still some time left for lunch period, so let's hear some more of the story."


Trigger Warning Content: mention of suicide.

Hey all!

Just survived a whole week of college orientation so I figured I should write a chapter to celebrate. Also, my roommate is going home for the weekend so I get a room all to myself for a couple of days (Woot Woot!). Also also, I wanted to go watch Love, Simon yesterday because they were showing it in one of the lecture halls on campus but I hAd A StuPiD TEAM MEETING THAT WAS AT THAT TIME SO I COULDN'T!!!


Maybe next time.

Anywho, now I have to think of a question. Hmmmmmm...

Have any of you guys taken any college classes? (Dual Enrollment, AP, IB, actual college courses while in college, etc.) And if so, what classes were your favorites or least favorites.

For me it was AP US History for both (awful while it was happening, but epic in hindsight).

For this semester, I'm taking Physics, Engineering Analysis and Problem Solving, Essential Math for Electrical Engineers, Intro to Business, Economics, and Jazz Band. Can anyone guess my major?

That's all folks!

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