Part 1: Memories ~ Chapter 4

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Slowly, Amy regained consciousness. Her face still hurt from the beating earlier, but there was no new pain. Thank God, I'm still alive. The sound of a heart monitor echoed through the room and she slowly opened her eyes, adjusting them to the bright light. She tried to turn her head to look around, but her muscles refused. The frequency of the monitor's beeping increased as she realised she was completely paralysed. Shit, this can't be good.

"Ah, you're conscious." Lucius appeared to her left.

No. This is bad, very bad!

"I would have let you off with a level two punishment, considering you're still new to my rules. However, your futile attempt to escape after I explained said rules upped it to level three."

The frequency of the monitor increased as adrenaline flooded into her system. Come on, move! She tried to regain control over her muscles, but aside from her eyes, nothing responded.

"Do you remember what I told you about the level three punishment?" Lucius grinned as he saw the dread in her eyes. "Well, as you are still new to this I'll go easy on you. Instead of removing something, I'll just..." He paused dramatically. "...relocate something instead."

Amy panicked. Oh God, oh God, oh God...

The monitor mimicked her frantic heart rate and Lucius silenced it. He walked over to Amy's head and lifted her up a bit so she could see the rest of her body. There was a square drawn on the left side of her stomach. "Do you see that? You got a cute little mole in the upper right corner there. Once you're able to move again, it will be in the lower left corner."

What?! No. No, no, no, no...

Lucius lay her down again and walked out of her sight.

This isn't happening. Please, someone, tell me this isn't happening! Let this be a dream. A nightmare, please! Wake up, Amy. Wake up!

When Lucius returned he was wearing a white coat and long turquoise gloves. A surgical mask covered his mouth and nose while a hairnet hid his raven locks. "Normally, surgery would be performed using an analgesic, an anaesthetic, and a muscle relaxer; I only used the muscle relaxer." He took a scalpel from a small metal table.

Amy struggled desperately to regain control over her body, but to no avail.

"I apologise for the fact that you can't scream, for this is going to hurt." The malicious glint in Lucius' eyes betrayed how much he was enjoying her torment. "A lot." And he made the first incision.


Amy hugged her legs to her chest and cried silently as she remembered the pain of her skin being peeled off. Doctor Langston refilled her glass and placed the box of tissues close to her, but she ignored him.

There was a knock on the door. After a few seconds, Doctor Langston finally got up to get it.

Welcoming a distraction from her tormenting memories, Amy slowly unfurled so she could peek. A man in a black uniform identified himself as being of the Security Services and asked Doctor Langston to step outside and close the door. He did as he was told, though the door didn't fully close. Because of this, Amy was still able to pick up parts of their conversation.

"... relocate the woman ... no trail of the man called ... only the story of a memory-impaired ... what you've been telling her ... the case will be dropped if ..."

Amy's tears dried up and she stared at the blue fabric of the armchair. It can't be true. I must have misheard. They caught Lucius. He can't still be ... out there?

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