Part 3: Blood ~ Chapter 2

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"Good morning," Gwen chimed to Lucius as he staggered into the kitchen. "You look like you could use some coffee."

Lucius grunted as he slumped into a chair and held his head with both hands.

"Regrets?" she asked as she got a cup and reached for the pot of fresh coffee. "A few drinks too many?"

Lucius huffed. "You know we don't get hung over that easily."

Gwen shrugged. "Fine—a lot of drinks too many?" She placed the cup in front of Lucius and sat down across from him. "Or just exhausted from having a bit too much fun?" She leaned forward and whispered with a grin, "You still smell of sex."

Lucius smiled but it quickly turned into a scowl. "I had fun, but Khalida will surely disapprove."

Gwen's expression fell. "Don't tell me you—"

"Yeah, you got another body to butcher."

"Damn it, André!" She slammed her hands on the table and Lucius flinched from the sudden noise.

"Hey, easy—skull hurting here."

"Well, you should have thought about that before downing... Just how much did you drink?"

Lucius was silent for a moment. "Several bottles of sake, some vodka... And that's not counting what we had at the club before we got here."

Gwen groaned. "Khalida is not going to be pleased. I mean, come on! We had this discussion yesterday. Two nights in a row? What the hell were you thinking?"

"I didn't mean to," he said meekly as he grabbed the cup of coffee and brought it up to his face to smell it. "But damn, she enjoyed it." His eyes shimmered with mischief.

Gwen glared at him. "Seriously? Are you really trying to tell me someone—assuming not suicidal—enjoyed being killed?" She huffed. "Now that would be a first. Even the extreme masochists only enjoy walking that edge—they tend to panic when they realise they are tipping over it."

"You didn't see her face; the sparkle in her eyes as I choked her."

Gwen rolled her eyes. "A lot of people are into breath play—but there's a very clear line between breath play and choking someone to death."

Lucius shrugged. "She didn't safeword."

"One: could she even safeword? And two: you don't need to be told a bloody safeword to know when someone goes beyond unconscious and slips into being dead." Gwen fumed with suppressed anger. "Especially you should be able to tell when someone is going to die—drunken stupor or not."

He carefully sipped his coffee. "I'm telling you—she enjoyed it." He shrugged again. "She got what she wanted, and I got what I wanted."

"Which is? Another dead body?"

Lucius grinned. "A good fuck and a good kill."

"Ugh." Gwen stood up. "You're hopeless. Khalida is going to rip you a new one."

"Let her." He took another sip. "At the moment I couldn't care less."

Gwen leaned against the counter. "Mind if I watch?" She couldn't help the coy smile that tugged at her lips.

"Whatever floats your boat." Lucius took another sip but almost spat it out when someone scraped their throat behind him. He looked up at Gwen, who was now grinning sadistically. "How long has she been standing there?"

"Long enough to want to grind you beneath my heel," Khalida stated coldly.

Lucius sighed as he placed his cup down and turned around. Khalida glared at him, displeasure radiating off her.

The Transcended: They call him LuciusWhere stories live. Discover now