Part 3: Blood ~ Chapter 17

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Zoey drew a sharp breath as the cool liquid entered her body. The injection itself didn't really hurt—the solution wasn't viscous. Lucius removed the syringe, the puncture site producing a single drop of blood that quickly turned purple. Heart pounding frantically in her chest, Zoey kept her gaze locked on her left wrist.

Was that already meant to hurt? Is it going to instantly make me go rabid? Will it make me hallucinate?

The adrenaline in her system made her brain go into overdrive. Images of all the possible options went through her mind in flashes matching the rhythm of her heart.

Will it give me a fever? Will my skin blister? Will it corrode me?

Her skin tingled, but she was unsure if she was really feeling it or if it was just her overstimulated mind playing tricks on her.

Maybe it's just saline and it's pure psychological torture.

Still unable to look away, she wetted lips.

"Anxious?" Lucius taunted. "It's a slow build—but you should be feeling it already."

The tingles increased and spread. The corner of Zoey's mouth twitched. It's like there are hundreds of ants crawling under my skin. She swallowed and closed her eye for a moment. No, don't give in. He is trying to push you. Stay calm.

She focussed on her breathing and her heart rate, but the sensation of ants continued to spread. Her fingers twitched, the nerves begging to be scratched. She gritted her teeth, gaze again fixed on the single drop of blood that marked the injection site. Movement to her right startled her. Lucius stepped into view, the syringe in his hand refilled.

"Are they biting yet?" he asked with a sadistic smirk.

Zoey's breath stocked. Biting? Why did he say biting? Her arm twitched, the itch underneath her skin worsening with every beat of her already frantic heart.

He grabbed her other arm, the restraints disabling her from jerking it away. The needle pressed against her right wrist and Zoey looked away, not wanting to see her skin yield to the pressure. The fluid spread into her flesh, faint tingles already noticeable before Lucius had retracted the syringe.

It's all in your head. It's all in your head.

The arm he had injected first was heating up. The desire to scratch it was turning into a need—one she could not satisfy. She twitched and jerked in the chair as her other arm now felt like it was being attacked by ants from the inside.

Lucius laughed. "This is so much more fun from the giving end. Please, do tell me how it feels."

Zoey gritted her teeth and ignored him. She fought against her restraints in an attempt to fight the burning sensation that spread through her limbs.

"Answer me and I'll scratch that itch you must be feeling."

Scratch me? Zoey flared her nostrils. It's because you injected me in the first place that I am in need of scratching. Fuck you.


"My name is Zoey," she snapped. Her left arm was on fire all the way up to her biceps, the nerves shooting pain signals in waves, while her right arm was not far behind. She tugged at her bonds and grunted in frustration. "What the fuck have you injected me with?"

Lucius stepped in front of her and gripped her hair, pulling her head back so their gazes met. "Manners, Bobbi."

The pang of fear that shot through her was quickly replaced by rage. "Oh, jeesh, forgive me dear lord Lucifer—I mean Lucius. Please, would you be so kind as to tell me what the FUCK you injected me with?" She grinned, baring her teeth, and Lucius slapped her across the face in response. She huffed—the pain of the slap was a welcoming contrast to the burning of her arms.

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