Part 1: Memories ~ Chapter 7

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Amy sat at the head of a large table; the other head-seat was reserved for Lucius. The walls were black and there were no windows. The lamps overhead illuminated the room with a strange, red glow, making the already eerie vibe even worse. Several guests stood beside the table, talking happily about everything and nothing. They were all very well dressed and Amy assumed they were of high standing.

I bet that's why Lucius put rule number one and three in place.

Amy observed the man that was busy placing the first course on the table. When he was done, he turned to look at her. She suppressed a gasp when she recognised him as the man that had arrived in the limousine the day she had attempted to escape.

"I'm sorry," the man said softly to her. "It appears it was my fault you had a chance to run off." His eyes dropped to her healed but nail-less fingers for a moment. "I had mixed up my appointment time." He gave her an awkward smile.

Puzzled, Amy just stared at him. So he knows? He knows I'm being held against my will? He knows Lucius tortured me? She wanted to question him but feared the consequences.

Lucius appeared behind the man. "Jonathan, I see you've met Bobbi."

"Ah yes, lovely lass. I was just apologising to her as it was my fault that she was able to escape and got punished so severely."

"Nonsense," said Lucius. "The mere fact that she attempted to escape-that she acted on the wild thought of it-is what deserved punishment. Am I right Bobbi?"

Play along! She swallowed and answered stately, "Yes, sir."

Jonathan nodded contently. "Well trained, Sir. I bet you're proud of her."

The comment made Amy's stomach turn. With gritted teeth, she repressed the desire to claw the man's eyes out. I'm not some fucking dog!

Lucius smiled and turned to the rest of the guests. "Everyone, please take your seats."

With the guests now seated at the table, Amy finally got a chance to take a good look at them all. To her utmost horror, she recognised someone and the blood drained from her face. No way... I must be mistaken.

Lucius was busy with a welcome speech, but Amy didn't hear him; her gaze was locked on the man on the third seat to her left.

"-as you all have noticed we have a special guest tonight."

Lucius' voice finally entered Amy's consciousness and her gaze switched to him.

"I'd like to introduce you all to Bobbi; however, I believe she is known by another name to one of us here tonight." Lucius looked at the same man Amy had stared at.

How can he be here? Isn't he supposed to be dead?

Tom Everdin, Amy's chief in a seemingly distant lifetime, smiled at her.

A chaotic storm of emotions swirled inside of her. She wanted to speak, scream, yell, cry, but she now understood why Lucius had threatened her like he had. Not now. You can think about this later. Don't break down now. Behave. You can do this. She kept her tongue to herself and pulled her gaze away from her betrayer and focussed on Lucius instead. He was clearly enjoying her moment of despair.

"Tom," Lucius spoke, "will you do the honours of opening this feast for us?"

"Gladly. Thank you, Sir," Tom replied.

Everyone on the table sat up straight and lifted their palms to the sky.

"Domine Satanus, tibi gratias agimus pro festo multi sumus indulgere et bona accepimus. Sit caro consumimus longos animabus nostris, et perducat nos sanitas et divitiae. Ab aeterno est anima nostra tui erimus parere tibi ad tua iura teneas donec. Tantum in nomine Domine Satanus, sic erit."

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