Part 2: Legacy ~ Chapter 9

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With slight reluctance, Amy told Gwen her life's story. By the time she reached the part where she arrived in L.A. with Lucius her eyes were puffy and all the napkins on the table were soaked. She held her head low as she finished speaking and looked at her plate—it was still half-full, the food long since cold.

Gwen had remained quiet for most of the time. Amy started to sob again and Gwen placed her hand on her head. "I'm sorry you had to suffer through all that," she said softly. "To be treated so ... cruelly, I had expected you to have really hurt André." She shook her head. "Was it really just because you were investigating him?"

Amy shrugged. "I-I guess." She sniffed. "I mean, the stabbing thing was recent—and who wouldn't try to kill their fucking captor after a decade of torment?"

Gwen stood up, took the napkin holder from the nearest table and handed it to Amy.

"Thanks." Amy blew her nose and threw the tissue on the already big pile.

"The only reason André kept his other toys around for so long was because they had wronged him one way or another—at least, that's what I've been told. He's been under investigation loads of times and as far as I remember he gets a kick out of it. That is, as long as he remains one step ahead of the investigator." She scrutinised Amy. "Perhaps you got too close?"

Amy was silent for a bit before replying, "I guess..."

"Still... More than a decade? And it doesn't appear he's planning on ending your suffering anytime soon." Gwen shook her head. "The longest lasting toy that I can remember was this one guy back in London, eightee—" Her cheeks flushed and she coughed. "A while ago. He had made the mistake of killing André's sweetheart if you will."

"Eighteen hundred?" Amy's eyes widened, not believing someone could be that old and still alive.

Gwen dismissed her remark. "Anyway, that guy suffered at André's hands for five years I think. He would have probably suffered longer if he hadn't died from his injuries." Gwen thought for a moment. "I wonder... Has André just become better at keeping his toys alive or does he really hate you more than he did him?"

Amy stared at the mountain of tissues. "I don't know... I like to think I didn't do anything comparable to killing the person he loved."

"Oh, no, no, no," Gwen said. "That man had killed his sweetheart, not his love. There's a difference— André was very clear to us about that." She bent forward and said softly, "I don't think André is capable of actual love."

Why am I not surprised?

"Anyway... Enough is enough." Gwen's eyes glinted with mischief. "It's time André got himself a new toy."

Amy looked up at Gwen. "Does that mean you truly want to help me?"

"I thought that was already clear." Gwen rested her elbows on the table and placed her chin in her hands. "Just answer me one thing: do you want to die or do you want to be free from André?"

The question shook Amy. "I-I..." She averted her eyes. "I don't want to die." She swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat. "But if I have to choose between living as his... his toy ... or death ... I—" She took a deep breath. "I'd rather choose death."

Gwen took Amy's hands in her own and squeezed them. "I'll help you, dear." She smiled sweetly. "Now how about you go freshen up? I'll take care of the bill."


"Oh, Annie dear!" Gwen exclaimed gleefully. "That's just so lovely!"

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