The One Where He Is Bothered

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Can't stop thinking about it.



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        A few days later, Jannat stepped into her room and her phone- a grey iphone 8- pinged. She checked it her brows furrowed as she saw an unknown number texting her. All it said was:
   "Marry me".
It didn't occur to her who that person was and who would want her to marry them. She hoped it was not a woman. She didn't want it to be a man too but a woman asking was just absurd.

Then she had hunch. It was Adina. Or Dua. Adina, being her older cousin was married but she was still as childish, as annoying and as loving as ever. Dua was Ibraheem bhai's younger sister- 16 years old. That made Dua her sister too because they were all a family.

  Because of the message, her mind went back to the incidence few days ago. Her face flushed again when she thought about the boy who had so openly told her his intentions. She wanted to know his name at least. Because he was handsome, no doubt, and his voice had a certain husk to it and his eyes had a twinkle to them, Jannat was attracted to him. Or maybe it was the first encounter when someone had said something so scandalous to her. But whenever she thought about him, or even have a slightest image of scene in her head, Ibraheem bhai's hard glare came into her mind. It felt like he was sitting there, glaring at her right in her face.

Her mother hadn't told her anything about the matter. She didn't know anything except what that- that man told her.

Without worrying her little brain anymore, she went to sleep, dreaming of rose gardens, sunflowers and a man- who did not have brown hair but it was black. And the hard glare had taken place instead of twinkling eyes. She couldn't do that for long though. Because every hour, a message popped up on her phone

"Will you marry me, please?"
it said.
For every hour, of the 8 hours she had slept, there was one message with addition of a please.


Next morning, she was sleeping in the car as always after her tuitions. She was tired and hungry. She just wanted to go home. But the driver had other plans. Since she was sleeping, he didn't tell her anything and went to the airport to pick ibraheem up who had been out of country due to a business trip.

Ibraheem, with his black suit, stepped into the car and looked at her. His heart softened. She looked so sweet sleeping with her head tilted back, the sun shining on her face. The sunlight made her hair glow, like repunzel.

It was nearly night and it had started raining. Jannat wanted to bash Ibraheem in his head from behind when he said needed to stop at his place to get some things.

  On the way to his house, Ibraheem received his mother's call.

She explained to him that his father's uncle had died. They were leaving for his house and wouldn't be back till tomorrow. She had told him that Jannat couldn't go because they didn't want to disturb her during exams. She told him to take care of her and he listened.

Then she had talked to Jannat to reassure her and ask her to stay with Ibraheem. After telling her to call her right away if she feels afraid or if Ibraheem does something stupid, she hung up.

Jannat only agreed because she didn't want to make her mother worry. But inside, she was hysterical. What about her clothes? She couldn't sleep without her pillow.

They reached inside his house after their clothes were wet. It was a disaster. She was sure she wouldn't be able to sleep.

Ibraheem was cursing his brain out. He stepped inside and checked the guest room. It was clean. He didn't have any live-in maids like they did in the family house because he didn't like people interfering in his life. Some maids came to clean daily though. Now Jannat was here. And that little brat was not going to let him breath.

"What about your clothes?" He asked. His eyes went from her face to the black shirt she wore. It was dripping wet and clinging to her body like a second skin. His fists clenched involuntarily.

"I-I don't know. Can you lend me some?" She said hopefully.

Ibraheem nodded and then sighed. He came back a dew minutes later with a white T shirt , track pants and running shorts. He was skeptical of his clothes fitting her, he was a giant and she was a midget.


Jannat wore the clothes, the t shirt and the track pants, althought nothing fitted her.
Because her underwear got wet, she couldn't wear it, so put it in the drier.

She cursed a couple of times when the pants slid down her legs. 
She tried breathing in and out to calm herself but it was impossible.

  "Goddamnit!" She yelled in her head. She left the T- shirt on and went to the room to look for her something to hold the pants because she was obviously not going to wear shorts in front of him. She had decided to wear them at night to sleep.

Jannat stepped into the room and bended forward to look inside the racks in the cupboard when suddenly the door opened and Ibraheem strolled in.

"Janna-", his breathing hitched, his body froze, his eye widened with shock and his voice died down. God, why? he asked. He turned around as swiftly as possible, however, he could not stop his eyes from getting a glimpse of what lay before him. A tiny form with wet hair, long milky legs. The T-shirt covered her butt when she was standing but when she bent, it was another story.

Jannat straightened with a yelp and turned. Her heart thundered as she moved quickly, shutting the bathroom door with a bang after getting in. 


When she came out of the room later, Ibraheem was sitting in the lounge. His face was flushed and his mouth was in a straight line.

She came forward and Ibraheem looked at her, in his clothes, and his breathing hitched.
He looked at her then. Really looked at her from top to bottom. His clothes were incredibly loose on her. She was tiny. Her face was flushed, she was beet root coloured from head to toe in shame. Ibraheem tried to stop himself from noticing it, he really did. But it was obvious she wasn't wearing any underwear. It was very obvious by her chest. It was -
It was his sister. He stopped himself from thinking anything else. He tried breathing. He was hot. And tired. It was his sister, for God's sake!

Jannat had contemplated everything. She contemplated dying, she wanted to run away or drown in the bathtub. Then she decided to never leave the room. But it was hunger that made her go out at last. She looked at Ibraheem and noticed him staring at her. She understood his shame, though. He was her brother, not real but still.

They ate food which he had ordered in silence. Then Ibraheem coughed.

  "Jannat, I-I sorry for earlier. I never meant to- yeah. Don't think about it, Okay? We're cool like before. Forget it. "
He tried to best to console the little girl. It was embarrassing for both of them.

Jannat nodded but she wanted to the ground to open up and swallow her. She thought they had a silent agreement to never bring it up! Never!

Later that night, Ibraheem tried to sleep. He really did. But his mind kept whispering things he didn't want to hear. His mind coaxed him into remembering that she is not his sister. The scene flashed before his eyes whenever he closed them. He felt hot and was honestly a little bothered. Everyone knew Jannat was beautiful. But that moment she looked so innocent yet so seductive , he wanted to- no. He won't think about it.

So embarrassing. I'd die. Got the innuendoes?
Stay tuned because her stay in the lair of the lion is not over!


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