The One Where She Is Scared

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A few days later, Ibraheem was through the credit card bills amd details his father had given him. There was some wrong calculations which he couldn't point out. Bored, his eyes roamed over the bills and he caught something interesting.

A lingerie store. One look at the number of the card and he knew it was Jannat.

He laughed out loud, his chest vibrating with mirth.

Of course, little lamb. Of course.


Ibraheem's mind was killing him. He was desperate. Really. It has been days since he has - released his stress. And it was not because of the lack if trying. He had called his mistress ,multiple times,but he just couldn't, all the while as she screamed like a banshee. Fuck.

  Laying in bed, his mind raced with images. Images of her, images of her that when she was at his house, standing right beside the bed he was now laying on. And now, images of her in the pieces of  lingerie she may have bought. He was she wouldn't have bought that risky ones like that ones he was imagining right now.

His hands went to his trousers, opening the zipper.


Jannat was cleaning her closet when her phone rang. Since their cousins has gotten here, her closet has been an ultimate mess.

Ibraheem Bhai

The caller ID said. She picked it up cautiously.

"Hello? Aslam-o-Alaikum, bhai."

She heard a groan. Very husky
and very deep.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

"What's my name?", His voice very husky. Like he had a sore throat.

"Uh? Ibraheem bhai?", She answered, trying to understand his predicament.

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