The One Where She Kisses

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"Dua, no", Jannat struggled to get her arm free from the clutches of that witch. Her peach coloured embroidered kameez was filled with flowers that represented her innocence. Her dupatta was made of chiffon, with little pearls hanging off the sides. The pazeb embellished her feet and tinkled with every step. Her hair framed her face, her shoulders encased in the silk that was her hair.

"Jannat, please! You are my only choice! Hoorain is in the shower and Ali bhai is sleeping. Please, please, please, I beg you!"
Dua wore a trendy outfit, her band tee tucked into her ripped jeans. Maybe her emo phase hadn't faded as she thought.

"What do you even need from his room? " Jannat said is annoyance. This girl will get her killed one day.

"I can't tell you! Please just-" She opened the door, dragging a struggling Jannat inside.

The guest room Azlaan slept in, was a vast room decorated with mahogany furniture and a thick fur carpet.

"Okay. You look for a white envelope inside the cupboard. I'll look here. "

For the love of God, Jannat couldn't fathom why Dua needed that envelope and why was she inside his room while he was not there. However, living with Dua for so long had taught her to just listen to her, that girl lives on her impulses. From stealing report cards to snacks, she had helped Dua in her numerous trysts.

Jannat searched the cupboard, rows of hanging clothes and the folded ones, nothing.

The sound of a door handle being opened made them both still.

"Shit!", Dua cursed under her breath. She quickly moved, slamming her hands together in a 'Forgive me' manner, she pushed Jannat inside the cupboard.

Finding nowhere to hide since the bed was designed that it didn't have any space under it, she quickly exited the room.

Jannat tried to control her breathing but her heart was beating so fast. Her legs were trembling and her hands felt clammy. She would surely kill Dua once she exited this blasted closet!

After nearly five minutes, she felt a door in the room open. Trying to hear more, she pressed her ear against it and when the cupboard suddenly opened she moved back, her eyes wide, mouth gasping.

"Holy shit!", Azlaan cursed as he jumped away from the cupboard, his handing reaching towards his crotch.

Jannat held her breath. He naked. He was NAKED. Well, he was wearing his grey boxers but still, he was naked. Drops of water glittered across his well built chest, sliding down the hollow between his abs and following the trail of hair till it reached-
Jannat abruptly covered her eyes with her hands.

"It's not my fault! Dua pushed me in here! " She was blubbering, blushing mess.

"You could at least warn a guy. Breaking and entering, tsk tsk such a crime", his voice now near her and oh so husky.

Dua opened her fingers to produce a gap in one eye, watching as Azlaan smirked, then tilting his head to one side, he languidly placed his hand on two sides, effortlessly trapping her inside.

His movements fluid as he bent a little close, still standing outside but his head inside the closet.

Grabbing her hands and slowly making her open her eyes, he whispered,

"Don't you think there should be some punishment, miss?"

She pressed herself to the back of the cupboard but his hand on her waist prevented her from moving.
Blushing profusely, she tried to shield her face with her hair but in vain.

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