The One Where He Threatens

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Dedicated to Mahaol  for being the most wonderful reader ever! And my first ever reader!


Ibraheem had accepted it. He had accepted that Jannat was not his sister. Because he couldn't live with the guilt anymore. As they both sat in silence- Jannat not changed into her own clothes from yesterday , Ibraheem mulled over his thoughts. It was a fact she was not his sister. Why should he feel guilty?

He had thought over the way he had behaved. If it had been Dua, he was sure he wouldn't have taken hold of her by her waist. He was sure he wouldn't have noticed those things about her. He was embarrassed that she had seen him naked-in all his glory- but he wasn't as embarrassed as he would have been if it was Dua or his mother.

However, he was sorry for scarring the poor child for life. He was sure she was as innocent as a child and wasn't exposed to the kind of things she had seen there. He would be careful next time, he promised. She was just a child, wasn't she? What was she, 17,18? Suddenly, he became aware of the difference of age between them and the impropriety of his actions. With a child 11 years younger than your age, Ibraheem? really? He thought.

On the other hand, Jannat was blushing. Her skin was hot. She didn't know if t was due to the hot sun or from her thoughts. What was this?
See -Each-other- Naked- Day?
Images of his naked body flashed through her mind. Chiselled chest, water dripping through his abs and the trail of hair that led to- Astaghfirullah. He is your brother, harami! She thought.

She had never seen a naked man before, not even in a picture. She blushed when she finally understood all the gossips of her friends at school. Good God! That's what they were talking about? And that scenes on TV. Her heart palpitated when she thought about it. She never thought something so dirty could occur between a man and a woman. It was disgusting, truly.

She bit her lip when Ibraheem looked at her. She looked at him too. He turned his head away and so did she.

She looked at him from the corner of her eye, very stealthily. But He was already looking at her, from the corner of his eye. This awkward eye contact continued as they both acted like they were unaware of each other.

But the Heavens knew that they were not, by any means, unaware of each other.


    "IB! IB! Is it true? IB!!!" yelled Dua from far. She liked to call him IB, said it sounded like a cool gangsta.

Ibraheem was sitting in the lounge, dressed in a white button down shirt and black fitted pants. Granted he dressed like this rarely. He working on his laptop when Dua -dressed in her ripped jeans and a striped button down shirt, her black her in a pony tail- whisper-yelled right beside his ear. 

"Ibraheem bhaiiiiii" she said in a sing song voice.

"Jee, Dua behn" he imitated her, still looking at his laptop broodingly.

"Is it true that you have a girlfriend?" She asked him impatiently.

Ibraheem froze. His jaw ticked.

" Did Jannat say that?", His tone was aggressive.  That little fox!

" Just say yes or no!" Dua whined but when she saw Ibraheem's hard glare she was ready to run.
Ibraheem knew she won't stop untill he told her yes. He knew her through and through.
"Don't say anything to anyone" He told her sharply.

"You are saying yes, aren't you?" She perked up, her eyebrows arched.

"Promise first.",He stated. He was impatient, he wanted to deal with a particular person right now.

"Promise!", her voice was sincere, grey eyes looking up at him.

"Yes, okay? I had one. Once. Not now.", He tried his best to maintain a clear older brother image. A real hard-work for a man like him,truly.

She looked at him for a few seconds with the same innocent expression then her eyes changed as fast as a nagin changes forms and she ran, bellowing on the top her lungs, "Ammi! IB has a girlfriend!"

Ibraheem let out a string of curses. He strode towards Jannat room and upon seeing the door up , entered it.

She had came out of a shower just now it seemed, thank God she was dressed. She wore a yellow coloured Kameez today, just like a sunflower. Her favourite.

"I told you to not tell anyone! Didn't I?" He whisper-yelled, standing a distance of  maybe five inches from her. His voice firm but rough.

Her wet eyelashes blinked and her tongue moistened her bow-shaped lips.
"That didn't include Dua." She seemed nonchalant.

"And why is that?" Traitor.He thought.

"I tell her everything". She shrugged, like it was a fact of universe, a law of nature.

He stepped forward, his adam's apple bobbing as his husky voice whispered,
"Told her everything that happened there then, did you? "
His dark eyes moving across her face, reminding her of the secrets.

She shut her mouth abruptly, her face flushed. Her ivory skin now a the colour of peaches.

"Ibraheem! What am I hearing?" His mothers yell rung through his ears and he winced.

However, he bent down, his mouth right next to the shell of her ear,
  "You'll pay for it ",he breathed out and left her there, breathing stopped.


After an hour of convincing his mother that no, he did not have a girlfriend, she finally calmed down. Thank God she didn't know the whole story.

They sat at the table to eat. Ibraheem next to his father, Ahmed, Dua across from him and Jannat beside her. His mother sat down after serving everything, making sure everything was there for her Ladla.

Saira, Ibraheem's mother was one peculiar woman. Noticing the glances Ibraheem and Jannat thew at eachtother from the corner of their eyes and the awkward silence, she hid her smile behind her hand.

Her plan worked, it seemed.


A filler one but it was necessary.

He-Who-Doesn't-Have-A-Name makes an appearance in the next one! Stay tuned.

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