Courtyard Brawl

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He just laughs. He let's go of her and just laughs. "What the hell are you laughing for!" I yell at him as I reach the bars. "I find fear humorous" he says while cackling. "These collars stop us from using any powers so she was never in any danger" He says while continuing his maniacal laugh. "Good, you'll keep yours on then" Caoimhe informs him. He stops laughing and sulks in the middle of his cell. "Who are the rest of these people?" Viktoria asks as she walks up. "Probably all Sentinels" Caoimhe replies looking at the fourteen other cells. "They are planning on fueling Arkyn with them" Mr. Nazameti tells us. I flip the switch to our four targets cells and let them out. They all walk out to join us, still collard.

Caoimhe walks over to Tate, Boudica, and Nazameti and lazers through the collars with a sunbeam. Kisen smiles at her but she just says "No". "Well we can't just leave all of them here" Taylor protests. "It's gonna be hard enough sneaking us nine out, it'll be impossible with fourteen more" Caoimhe says. "So we're just gonna let them die? And swell Arkyns power?" Taylor asks. "Well no, I guess we'll come back for them" Caoimhe tells her. "That'll take forever" Nate speaks up. "Well it could be our only choice" Caoimhe defends herself. "What does our co captain think?" Taylor says gesturing towards me. I was thinking of an alternative, I guess now I have to spill it.

"Maybe we don't have to sneak out" I suggest. "What are you saying?" Caoimhe says confused. "Well, we have twenty three Sentinels here, minus Kisen who is staying restrained" I say "Can the guards really beat us?". "That's not a good idea, we don't know if they have any Sentinels of their own" Caoimhe states. "I think that'll work" Taylor says looking at Caoimhe. "I'm not opposed to it" Nate says. "We aren't voting on this, it's too risky" Caoimhe demands. "Too laaaate" Kisen laughs, flipping the switches to all of the cells. All fourteen Sentinels walk out and stress their desire to rip this prison apart. "Well, looks like we no longer have a choice" she concedes.

Caoimhe lazers off all the collars and gathers the Sentinels. "Does everyone here know how to get to Alharis?" she asks them. They all respond with a resounding yes. "Alright, we are going to break out of here, you all have to make your way to the city and report to the Council, tell them you came from the Syrian prison that housed Kisen". "You guys ready?" I ask my team. "Hell yeah man, let's tear this shit up" Nate replies. "I'm always down for a fight" Taylor says drawing her pistols. Charlyse draws her revolver and nods. "Let's go kick some ass" Viktoria smirks.

The center courtyard was peaceful, guards overlooking prisoners. Probably the same as any other day. One of the Sentinels we freed exploded the door to the courtyard, letting everyone rush out. The guards responded quickly with gunfire. They didn't stand a chance against any of us. The entire courtyard was cleared in a couple of minutes as the prisoners cheer us on. A bit too early to celebrate though. Sentinels came pouring out of one of the doors to face us. One ran straight to me and swung his sword for my neck. I effortlessly dodge and plant my hand on his side, shooting a stone spike through him.

Not everyone was having such an easy time however. A few of our Sentinels were in a struggle. My team was faring much better than the rest however. Viktoria was flooding and slicing through backup guards with Nate. Charlyse and Taylor were tearing up the guards surrounding the courtyard. Our main Sentinel targets were faring even better than my team. Tate was firing fifty foot fire columns at guards, and Boudica was tearing them apart with Venus fly traps. Nazameti stood peacefully until bullets came at him. He effortlessly creates sound waves that prevents anything from reaching him. Kisen was just walking around, looking frustrated.

Caoimhe approached me, fighting with a Sentinel. She threw him towards me, so I shoot an ice spear through him. "I gotta say, i'm surprised this is working out well" she says with her back to me, fighting another Sentinel. "You have no faith in me Caoimhe. That's hardly good grounds for a relationship" I tell her with my back to her, defending from attack. "Relationship?" she asks me. "We'll work out the details later" I yell as I flip my opponent and fry him with a lightning bolt.

Another Sentinel approaches me, this time very slowly. "Alright, i'm getting tired of these weak assholes" I say before I go to strike him. He catches my fist however, shocking me. I strike at him again, but he blocks with lightning speed. He strikes towards me, just barely missing as I sidestep. "Oh shit, there's a challenger now" I grin. I step towards him confidently, but lose my footing as the ground shakes. He fires a stream of stones at me, forcing me to but up a steel shield. I reform to my hands and strike towards him. His fist meets mine and we create a shock wave that rips us the ground beneath us. "Caoimhe, a little help over here?" I ask my co captain.

She runs over to assist me, which must have scared our opponent because he changed his stance. We both attack him as he dodges and blocks our strikes. "Dammit, how do we get through" I say through my gritting teeth. Caoimhe fires a sun blast at him, which he blocks with a shield of stone. I rush forwards are punch through the wall to find him gone. I look up, hearing him above as he rams down on top of me. Caoimhe kicks him in the jaw and goes to strike again but is caught by the leg. He throws her across the courtyard, leaving just him and me. "Alright, time to get serious you bitch" I say as I get ready to fight a real fight. His body covered in stone as he looked to get stronger. I covered my hand in the strongest lightning I could make and rushed forward to him. He strikes towards me at the same time I do to see who will connect the most powerful strike.

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