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     The knights of Camelot waited nervously in their cells, worried for their friend. Merlin was cursing himself for letting Gwaine go instead of himself. Lancelot had done his best to reassure Merlin, but couldn't speak very freely with the other knights sitting in earshot. The sound of a crowd cheering and booing could be heard faintly, almost as if it was coming from above them.

     "Do you think he'll be alright?" Merlin said, staring at the wall in front of him.

     "If anyone is  going to survive a fight, it's Gwaine." Arthur replied, trying to force hope on his words. "After all, he's been in a million of them." Percival attempted a sympathetic laugh at Arthur's poor joke, but could only mange a scoffing sound. Gwaine was the main focus on Merlin's mind, but the next thought that always seemed to come back was "food". None of the knights had eaten since they left their campsite. So at least one day since they'd eaten last. Merlin pushed aside all thoughts of food or water, focusing on his friend. Because he had opened his big mouth, Gwaine was in danger. Again.

     "I hear someone coming!" Elyan suddenly hissed, all the knights turning as much as their shackles would allow to see who was coming through the doors. The could hear the door creak open, the sound of multiple men evident. Merlin practically shook with relief when Gwaine stumbled forward, and was shoved into the cell by a guard.

      "Are you alright?" Merlin whispered, concern lacing every word.

      "You should see the other guy." Gwaine said between groans. Merlin strained to assess the knights injuries. The ones he could see would heal, leaving only small scars.

      "Speaking of the other guy..." Leon muttered. Merlin's head shot up, noticing the guards dragging a body in the direction of the Wyvern doors.

      "No..." Merlin said, his voice quiet. The opponent was only a teen. A Druid girl. She hadn't deserved to die, but because of this blasted tournament, Gwaine had been forced to kill an innocent girl.

      "Merlin, I'm sorry, mate." Gwaine attempted to soothe his distraught friend in some way. "I didn't want to kill her, but it was either me or her." Merlin clenched his jaw, nodding. The knights couldn't understand why he was upset. The druids were Merlin's people, in a sense. They didn't mean anyone harm.

      Merlin was forced out of his thoughts by the shrieks of Wyverns, and the horrible sound of flesh being torn. He closed his eyes, focusing on anything else.

      "It's time for the next for the next competitor." One of the guard's stated, unlocking the cell doors. "Master Thane has requested that I take all of you up to the box, except for the servant boy." The knights voices protested as they were grabbed harshly by the guards, to be lead out, and the voices grew louder when one of the guards grabbed Merlin, and began to take him down a different hall.

       "Where are you taking him?" Arthur demanded. The guards remained silent as he held on to the thrashing prisoner. Merlin shook with all his might against the guard that held him, but was ineffective. The men had left their captives shackled, which prevented Merlin from using his magic. The shouts of his friends grew distant as Merlin was taken.


      "Where did you have them take Merlin?!" Those were the first words out Arthur's mouth when they reached Thane's "box". The box was a large balcony that overlooked an arena, allowing those who sat in it to see all that went on both in the crowds, and in the arena.

      The arena itself was nearly as large as the citadel in Camelot, and, when the sun hit it at the right angle, a golden orb seemed to shimmer around it, closing off the arena to any outside forces, and keeping its gladiators in. It was clearly magic at work. Thane gave a dismissal wave of his hand, before taking a seat at an ornately carved throne. Arthur had to admit, the craftsmanship was exquisite. The throne was a bleached white, and ornate runes were carved into nearly every inch of the material.

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