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Guinevere sighed, staring out the window. She shifted the basket of laundry in her hands, her gaze remaining on the castle courtyard below, as if staring at it would make Arthur come riding in.

"Are you alright?" Gwen jumped at the sound of the voice, whirling around to face the source of it. She sighed in relief as she recognized the figure standing before her.

"Gaius." She breathed. He chuckled at her shocked expression.

"I apologize for scaring you." Gwen nodded in response, her eyes trailing back to the courtyard. Gaius seemed to understand. "I'm worried about them too." He said gently,

"They were supposed to be back three days ago, Gaius! What if they got hurt? What if they're dead somewhere, and we don't even know!" Gwen burst out, unable to contain her worries. Gaius placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It is very possible that they were caught up in something not at all dangerous. They could ride in at any minute for all we know." Gaius' voice was calming, but his expression betrayed his thoughts. He was worried about Merlin. Extremely worried. Gwen opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of a commotion down in the courtyard.

Daring to hope, she stared down, wishing Arthur to ride through. She imagined that she would run down to him as he dismounted his horse, and he would grab her around the waist and embrace her, before she would pull him into a kiss-

The person riding into the courtyard was not Arthur. Instead, it was a dark haired man whom she had never seen before. Gwen's shoulders sagged as the man dismounted his horse, and entered the castle, out of the woman's line of sight.

"Gaius," she turned to the court physician. "Who was that?" Gaius hesitated, thinking for a short moment.

"I believe it was Agravaine." Gwen's confused look remained, waiting for an explanation. "He is Prince Arthur's uncle. Ygriane's brother. The council must have summoned him here."

"But why would they-" she began, but stopped, understanding dawning on her. "Oh... they summoned him in case Arthur doesn't return." Gwen's voice was nearly a whisper. She glanced at Gaius, his expression confirming her fears.

"I'm afraid so. With the king in his condition, they need to take... necessary precautions." Gwen's grip on the laundry basket tightened, worry making her feel sick.

"Please be alright, Arthur." She whispered, fear and worry rising in her. Arthur had to return.

For Camelot.

For her.

Okay, yeah, I know it's short. But it was mostly a filler chapter anyway. I felt like it was necessary to show what's going on in Camelot. Ugh I'm so tired right now. I mean, I'm always tired, but now I'm like, double tired.
So, I hope you're liking this fic! Please vote!
PS: Have y'all checked out my one shot book yet?

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