Chapter four

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By the end of the week, Dylan was one of my best friends, but not before Darcey.

I felt a weird connection to him from the start, something about him pulled me to him and I liked it.

Because of the connection, it caused me to tell him everything, my abusive father and boyfriend, my life story. He shared his too, but his was like a dream, crushing my own. He understands what I'm going through and most importantly, he cares.

"Bella, look!" Darcey yells, jumping into the seat next to me at lunch.

"What?" I ask, rolling my eyes to Dylan. He chuckles behind his hand.

Suddenly, a necklace is dangling itself in front of my face. It's silver, a small wolf on the front. It's an oval shaped locket, the edges smooth.

"Oh my" I say, taking it gently in my hands. "Where did you get this?"

"Noah!" She puts it around her neck, staring at it as if it's the most beautiful thing in the world.

"It's only been a week" I say, happy for her.

"I know! Now when are you going to talk to that hunk of man, Tate?" She asks, serious. I shake my head and look over at Dylan, then to Jason in his group of jocks.

"He can go show off his hunk of man elsewhere. I've already got someone"

What I don't say, is that it's Dylan.

When I talk to Dylan, it's like Jason doesn't exist, like no one exists but us. I feel compelled to him, more than Jason. He's made me realize that no matter what, Jason most likely won't change.

"Jason is not the right guy for you. He's a total jerk, he doesn't deserve you" she mumbles with anger. I look up to Dylan with sad eyes, pleading with him to change the subject. He nods with an encouraging smile.

"Hey Isabella, I left my phone in my locker, wanna come with?"

I sigh in relief and nod, looking over to Jason quickly.

"Yeah, sure. Darce, I'll be right back. If he asks, I'm in the bathroom"

She mutters something incoherent, I ignore it.

When Dylan and I are out of the cafeteria, he slips his smooth hand into mine. I jump at first, causing him to pull his hand away.

"Sorry, I didn't- I mean- I-"

"It's alright" I whisper, interlocking our fingers together. "I'm just not used" I blush and look down.

The feeling between our hands is amazing, like silk. It feels better to have his hand in mine than Jason's, but if Jason ever caught us, I'll be in so much shit.

I try to put back my emotions for a moment, fighting between Jason and Dylan. I know, deep down that Jason is still there, but I also know that he might never change. But that's the thing with Dylan, he understands, he cares and as far as I know, he won't hurt me.

But Jason did. A voice whispers. After a year, he hurt us.

"If Jason finds out...." I trail off, looking up to Dylan. He nods with a frown.

"But he won't" he kisses my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine. "I'll protect you"

I want to laugh at him, nothing can protect me. So what if I get rid of Jason, I still have to deal with my father.

"Don't worry Isabella, your father won't touch you" a growl seems to escape his throat. I gasp and step back from him.

He just read my mind and growled.

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