Chapter twenty-two

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I sit on the couch in Dylan's office while he runs through Pack business. It's been two days since I've had my first shift. I've been out and running twice, just to test it out. Dylan's going to help me start training in wolf form soon, for self-defense. Apparently shifting from a normal human to werewolf means that you get devilshly good looks. All of the blemishes I may have had before, completely gone. The freckles on my nose are replaced with creamy looking skin, like the rest of my body.

I sit cross-legged and flip the book I'm reading to the next page while humming silently. My head rocks back and forth to the tune and Dylan chuckles at me. I smile and stick my tongue out at him.

The special abilities Tate had told me about have yet to make an apperance, but my eyes glow silver when I get emotional and my hair grows random streaks of silver. It scared me when I looked in the mirror yesterday and saw glowing eyes and silver hair. But as quickly as they had come, they were gone.

A knock on the door had me coming out of my thoughts. I closed the book and set it on the spot next to me.

"Come in" I call out. Dylan chuckles and shakes his head, signing a piece of paper before placing it on top of a huge stack.

Jake, Dylan's Beta and Jon, his top warrior, open the door and walk in, closing it behind them. I met both boys yesterday, Dylan felt it was right that I meet the boys, I'd be seeing them a lot.

"Hello Alpha, Luna" they both nod their heads towards me. I giggle and blush. They smile triumphantly while Dylan laughs lightly.

"What's up?" The Alpha leans back in his chair. It's the most laid back I've seen him ever around other people, especially his Pack, but these guys are his best friends.

Like Noah, Jake has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He's shorter than Dylan by just an inch, but both are built like Gods. Jon has red hair, spiked up at the front. He doesn't have freckles like most red-heads, but it just makes him different. He's the same height as Jake, and neither have found their mates.

Jon flops down beside me and sets his feet on my lap. I scowl at him and push them off.

"Gross" I mutter, wiping off my shorts. He chuckles and sits up.

"Pack business" Jake mumbles, watching me with amusement. I ignore his stare and flick Jon in the head. He huffs and goes to flick me back but I dodge the attempt.

I've found that Jon is the more playful of the two, but he can still be strict about things.

"Go on" Dylan smirks at me and rolls his eyes. Once again, I stick out my tongue. While I'm distracted, Jon flicks me in the head.

"Ouch!" I yell out, jumping from the couch. Dylan scowls at Jon and walks over to me. I let him kiss the spot Jon flicked me while silently snickering at him. He rolls his eyes at me dramatically.

Dylan pulls me back down onto his lap as he sits on his spinning chair. I push off once with a giggle and let us spin in a circle. I've felt so happy lately, I don't know why. But my wolf doesn't feel the same. She feels restless, like she knows something's going to happen.

I let Dylan and Jake talk about the problems with the Pack; needing more warriors on the west border, expanding the land, having an arts day for the cubs, organizing a barbecue next week. What they were discussing seemed pretty easy to me, I even added in the comment that I like barbecues and art.

Right in the middle of Dylan's sentence about the border, something hit me in the head. I flew around to face Jon, who was kneeling on the ground with a huge smile, his hands in the position you use when you fling an elastic. Dylan kisses the spot on my head that stings for a minute. I growl at him, a trait that I get along with enhanced senses. I see the glow on his body that means my eyes are glowing. Jon goes stark white, gulping back his fear.

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