Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Kellins POV

I guess I wasn't in the sourest mood this morning. My father was already passed out drunk when I got home so I didn't need to worry about him last night at all. But for now I did have to deal with school. I was walking slowly to school, not wanting to run into those jocks again but I know with my luck I probably would.

"Hey!" I heard a voice yell and I turned around to see the Hispanic boy in a car stopping beside me "Need a ride?" he asked nicely

I held my breath and waited for a moment thinking it was a joke. I let out a sigh and smiled at him "Thanks" I said with a nod and climbed into the back.

"I'm Vic by the way" he said "This is my little brother Mike"

I chuckled, little? He was almost twice Vic’s height.

"I'm Kellin” I said with a light smile.

We didn't talk anymore on the ride to school, well by we I mean Vic and I. Mike was talking away about random things. I liked Mike though he seemed pretty laid back. Vic was pretty focused on something else though while he was driving. I sat back in the seat and watched as the school slowly came into view. I found myself frowning when he parked the car.

"Uh thanks for the ride Vic" I said awkwardly and hopped out of the car, I began to walk away when Vic and Mike both caught up and walked with me. Right at the second we walked in Mike turned in a different direction and started talking with the jocks. Were they friends?

"How old is your brother?" I asked Vic


"Oh cool, I am too" I shrugged

"But you're in a 12th grade music class?" He asked me

"I skipped a grade, I used to go to school in Michigan and I had like 5 other kids in my class so we got a lot done"

"Oh" Vic c said "Who you have first?" He asked me

"I think Mr.Prens" I shrugged

"Oh he sucks I have him for Math" he said and I frowned.

We both continued our small talk until the bell went. I made my way to first period and fell into the chair at the back. Like I had predicted, I wasn't going to be able to avoid the 'Jocks' today because 2 of them walked into my class. They were glaring at me and sat beside me.

"Following me are you now?" I shot at them

"Just making sure you can't escape" One of them said with a muffled voice and I rolled my eyes.

I sunk farther into my chair and I wanted to just disappear right there and not deal with them after class. The teacher was 30 minutes into his lesson when he got a phone call.

"Jaime, Tony, you're wanted in the office" He said and the 2 jocks stood up to leave. So that’s their names.

"Guess we'll have to reschedule our date for another time boys" I said with a smirk at them. I wish I would shut up and not say things like that because I know I’m just digging myself a bigger hole.

"Oh don't worry about us, I’d be more worried about Brad if anything" One of them said and I literally felt sick. Why couldn't I just be ignored like I wanted to be?

The teacher went on a rant for the rest of class, at least I think he did I wasn’t paying attention. I heard the bell close and I stood up instantly to leave right away. I had my notebook in my hand and shot out the door. I was running to my next class when I decided to look over my shoulder to see if one of the boys were following me, they weren't. I let out a sigh and turned back around which is when I ran straight into one of them.

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