Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Kellin’s POV


The rest of the day was weird. My classes weren’t any different but Vic didn’t go near any other kids at school today, and he didn’t even so much as look at Brad or Drew. When the last bell went I was about to walk home and lie in my bed the whole weekend consumed by my thoughts, when I remembered I can’t go home. It’s as if Vic planned the whole thing but of course he didn’t. I walked around the parking lot deciding whether I should go to his party, sneak home, or beg my dad to let me stay and promise him I won’t come out of my room all night. I was in the parking lot longer than expected because the next thing I knew; I was the only one at the school. It was already 8. I decided to start walking home slowly, seeing if I could make my decision then.

I was passing Vic’s house when I started to get nervous. There we’re a lot of people there, in and outside the house. I was walking slower than normal hoping I could make a decision. Give me a sign damnit!

“Kellin! Get in here!” I heard Mikes voice chime, okay perfect timing. I looked at him and noticed he was smoking a cigarette.

I swayed my options one last time before deciding to go to the party. It couldn’t be that bad, right? I walked over to Mike with a slight smile on my lips, still not knowing if my decision was the best. I’m not the biggest fan of alcohol because of what it does to my father. But I’ll man up and deal with tonight, it’s my first party I’ve ever been too also so I shouldn’t pass it up.

“I saved you a beer” he said and patted my back “Or 5” he smirked and I laughed it off. He brought his cigarette to his lips one last time and I tried not to show my distaste for them.

He led me to the living room and handed me a beer after opening it. I smiled while I took it off his hands and took a small sip. It burnt my tongue and the taste was foul. I think Mike noticed my facial expression after cause he started laughing at me.

“Go to the kitchen there’s punch in there, it’ll taste a lot better than this, trust me” He yelled to me over the music, I nodded quickly in response.

I turned around and walked to the kitchen. There were 2 other people in there but once they saw me walk in they left. How kind. I found a large punch bowl in the middle of the counter. It was much quieter in here than in the living room or the front yard. I grabbed one of the cups on the counter and filled it with the punch. I took a small sip to see if I enjoyed it and it tasted, good. I was surprised really, it tasted like there was no alcohol in it, but I could defiantly smell it so I knew there was. I ended up chugging the rest of my cup and pouring myself a second cup. I leaned against the counter and let my thoughts fill my brain. Before I could actually have a thought through my mind the door opened and I saw Vic walk in with a smile on his face.

“You came!” he shouted sounding genially happy

“Didn’t really have a choice, your brother pushed me inside before I could run away” I teased and he rolled his eyes but his smile never left his face.

“Stop acting like you hate me” he laughed and walked over in front of me, leaning on the island in the middle of the kitchen where the punch was.

“It’s not acting” I said a little more harshly than I meant to and I could tell he heard it by his expression.

“What?” he asked surprised

“Sorry, nothing.” I said and he shrugged “So, why the party?” I asked trying to actually make conversation which I didn’t even know what the point was. I guess deep down, even though he’s been the biggest dick to me and other people, I still kinda want us to be friends like how we were.  Also I may still have that small crush on him but that’s whatever. He was kinda nice to me earlier today in detention so maybe he’s changed? Or at least I hope he has.

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