Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Friday, finally. It honestly couldn’t have come soon enough. All the Thursday Vic was telling me how we were going to find the guy who hit me when I was walking home Wednesday, even though I assured him thousands of times it was pointless. He did eventually drop it though. So, now that it was Friday, I was just plain out excited for whatever Vic had planned. All day I hadn’t been able to get the thought out of my mind. I was happy it was last block now though. My math teacher was talking to us, giving us homework. She kept looking at me like I was a ghost or something, probably because this is the first time I’ve ever been actually smiling in her class. I didn’t care though, I was counting down the minutes until I get to leave here and be with Vic.

“I want the booklet completed by Tuesday” She said, I have no idea what she’s talking about. Some kids groaned, others rolled their eyes. I stayed smiling. I probably looked like an idiot.


I jumped up from my seat knocking the chair over. Basically the whole class looked at me glaring. I started heading out the door, all my things in my arms when my teacher called my name. I turned around annoyed slightly, but still had my smile on my face, hoping I could leave.

“Yes?” I asked innocently.

“Have a good weekend” she said giving me a mischievous look. I felt myself blushing in embarrassment; did I really look that excited?

I rolled my eyes with a smile and turned to leave and walk out the door. I powerwalked through the crowd to get to my locker, swinging it open and grabbing my backpack in a rush. I stood there for a little while, hoping that Vic wouldn’t think im childish for being this excited over something. I mean, he was my first boyfriend and whatever we were going to be doing, would probably be my first as well. I took a deep breath, trying to get myself under control. I walked out to the parking lot to see Vic standing beside Mike who was smoking a cigarette. I walked over with a smile and Vic returned the smile to me.

“Hey beautiful” he winked and I blushed slightly

“Hey” I said smiling

“Let’s go” Vic said and I nodded, following behind him.

 I climbed into the passenger seat, watching Mike as he took a few more hits of his cig before throwing it to the ground and stepping on it. He climbed into the back and then Vic started the car and drove away from the school. The ride was silent, besides the quiet music coming from Vic’s radio. He pulled up into his drive way and Mike climbed out of the car, saying bye to the both of us. I smiled at him and then turned to Vic.

“Hey-“ I started but Vis lips were against mine instantly. I kissed back by instinct and I felt the same sparks go off like I usually do.

“I just really wanted to kiss you” He said after he pulled away

“Oh” I said “Okay” I smiled and leaned back into him to kiss him again.

His hands trailed to my sides and he lifted me up onto his seat, so I was straddling him. He gripped my ass and I moaned against his kiss. He tried to move his tongue into my mouth but I forced him to work for it. He pushed himself against me, trying to get me to moan to move his tongue in but I held them back. I was doing well too, until he palmed the front of my jeans and a moan finally escaped and he took the opportunity. His tongue dominated my mouth and I soon pulled away from him breathless. He smiled at me while panting.

“So” I said while I took a deep breath “What do you have planned for us?” I asked and his smile grew

“Tonight should be a lot of fun” he said “Come on, let’s go inside for a bit I need to grab some things”

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